byung cheon choi
byung cheon choi
Professor, School of Business, Chungnam National University
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Approximation algorithms for multi-agent scheduling to minimize total weighted completion time
K Lee, BC Choi, JYT Leung, ML Pinedo
Information Processing Letters 109 (16), 913-917, 2009
Two-stage production scheduling with an outsourcing option
K Lee, BC Choi
European Journal of Operational Research 213 (3), 489-497, 2011
Complexity of single machine scheduling subject to nonnegative inventory constraints
D Briskorn, BC Choi, K Lee, J Leung, M Pinedo
European Journal of Operational Research 207 (2), 605-619, 2010
Two-machine flow shop scheduling problem with an outsourcing option
BC Choi, J Chung
European Journal of Operational Research 213 (1), 66-72, 2011
Minimizing maximum completion time in a proportionate flow shop with one machine of different speed
BC Choi, SH Yoon, SJ Chung
European Journal of Operational Research 176 (2), 964-974, 2007
Maximizing the weighted number of just-in-time jobs in flow shop scheduling
BC Choi, SH Yoon
Journal of Scheduling 10, 237-243, 2007
Outsourcing and scheduling for two-machine ordered flow shop scheduling problems
DY Chung, BC Choi
European Journal of Operational Research 226 (1), 46-52, 2013
Min–max regret version of a scheduling problem with outsourcing decisions under processing time uncertainty
BC Choi, K Chung
European Journal of Operational Research 252 (2), 367-375, 2016
Flow shops with machine maintenance: Ordered and proportionate cases
BC Choi, K Lee, JYT Leung, ML Pinedo
European Journal of Operational Research 207 (1), 97-104, 2010
Single machine scheduling problem with controllable processing times and resource dependent release times
BC Choi, SH Yoon, SJ Chung
European Journal of Operational Research 181 (2), 645-653, 2007
An adaptive crashing policy for stochastic time-cost tradeoff problems
C Kang, BC Choi
Computers & Operations Research 63, 1-6, 2015
Container scheduling: Complexity and algorithms
BC Choi, K Lee, JYT Leung, ML Pinedo, D Briskorn
Production and Operations Management 21 (1), 115-128, 2012
A vector space approach to tag cloud similarity ranking
J Park, BC Choi, K Kim
Information Processing Letters 110 (12-13), 489-496, 2010
A continuous time–cost tradeoff problem with multiple milestones and completely ordered jobs
BC Choi, MJ Park
European Journal of Operational Research 244 (3), 748-752, 2015
Complexity results for the linear time–cost tradeoff problem with multiple milestones and completely ordered jobs
BC Choi, J Chung
European Journal of Operational Research 236 (1), 61-68, 2014
Two-agent single-machine scheduling problem with just-in-time jobs
BC Choi, J Chung
Theoretical Computer Science 543, 37-45, 2014
Just-in-time scheduling with generalized due dates and identical due date intervals
BC Choi, MJ Park
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 35 (06), 1850046, 2018
Strong NP-hardness of minimizing total deviation with generalized and periodic due dates
BC Choi, Y Min, MJ Park
Operations Research Letters 47 (5), 433-437, 2019
Just-in-time scheduling with multiple competing agents
DY Chung, BC Choi
Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society 37 …, 2012
Complexity of a scheduling problem with controllable processing times
BC Choi, JYT Leung, ML Pinedo
Operations Research Letters 38 (2), 123-126, 2010
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Articles 1–20