Peyton N. Beattie
Peyton N. Beattie
Extension Assistant Professor, Extension Education, University of Florida
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Informing water-saving communication in the United States using the situational theory of problem solving
AJ Lamm, LA Warner, LK Lundy, JS Bommidi, PN Beattie
Landscape and Urban Planning 180, 217-222, 2018
Professional development needs of early-career Extension agents beyond the first year: Florida county Extension director perspectives
M Benge, AF Muscato, PN Beattie
The Journal of Extension 58 (6), 11, 2020
Identifying opportunities to promote water conservation practices among nursery and greenhouse growers
LA Warner, AJ Lamm, P Beattie, SA White, PR Fisher
HortScience 53 (7), 958-962, 2018
Leveraging Skype in the Classroom for Science Communication: A Streaming Science–Scientist Online Approach
PN Beattie, J Loizzo, K Kent, CL Krebs, T Suits, JC Bunch
Journal of Applied Communications 104 (3), 9, 2020
Identifying opportunities to promote water treatment practices among nursery and greenhouse growers
AJ Lamm, LA Warner, P Beattie, A Tidwell, PR Fisher, SA White
HortTechnology 29 (6), 687-692, 2019
A New Perspective on Adoption: Delivering Water Conservation Extension Programming to Nursery and Greenhouse Growers.
LA Warner, AJ Lamm, SA White, PR Fisher, PN Beattie
Journal of Agricultural Education 61 (1), 172-189, 2020
Communicating with 4-H Stakeholders: Examining Social Media Use in Rural and Urban Programs.
PN Beattie, AJ Lamm, JC Bunch, LK Lundy
Journal of Agricultural Education 60 (1), 202-223, 2019
Bats and beyond: Communicating wildlife and climate change empathy to youth through an electronic field trip
PN Beattie, KW Kent, TE Suits, JL Loizzo, JC & Bunch
Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research 71, 2021
Challenges of early career Extension agents in Florida
M Benge, PN Beattie
Advancements in Agricultural Development 2 (1), 2021
Labs and landscapes virtual reality: Student-created forest conservation tours for informal public engagement
W Stone, J Loizzo, J Aenlle, P Beattie
Journal of Applied Communications 106 (1), 8, 2022
Producing your own video program
R Telg, P Beattie
EDIS 2021 (4), 2021
Coaching and Mentoring Experiences of Early Career Extension Agents in Florida Received from County Extension Directors
M Benge, JA Steele, PN Beattie
Journal of Human Sciences and Extension 8 (3), 2020
Exploring social media engagement of a mosquito control campaign: comparing engagement rates per content type and content frame
A McLeod-Morin, P Beattie, S Rampold, R Telg
Journal of Applied Communications 104 (1), 8, 2020
The science of mosquitoes: Youths’ perceptions, engagement, and learning from a Skype in the classroom science communication program
A McLeod-Morin, P Beattie, W Stone, K Kent, J Loizzo, R Telg
Advancements in Agricultural Development 1 (2), 79-89, 2020
Self-study of a project-based graduate science communication course focused on electronic field trip development
J Loizzo, P Beattie
NACTA Journal 63 (2), 26-37, 2019
Identifying Generational Differences to Target Extension Programming When Discussing Genetic Modification.
PN Beattie, AJ Lamm, JN Rumble, JD Ellis
Journal of Agricultural Education 59 (3), 154-168, 2018
Graduate Students' Complex Roles and Experiences During the COVID-19 Emergency Remote Teaching Transition at a Land Grant University.
PN Beattie, BM Coleman, J Loizzo, SD Rampold, CE Suarez, JC Bunch, ...
NACTA Journal 65, 2021
Assessing Florida Early Career Extension Faculty's Adoption of Design Principles to Communicate Messages
PN Beattie, M Benge, RW Telg, LK Lundy
Journal of Applied Communications 106 (3), 2, 2022
Picturing Graduate Students’ COVID-19 Experiences: Working from Home and Coping Through Memes.
J Loizzo, PN Beattie, JC Bunch, CE Suarez, SD Rampold, BM Coleman
NACTA Journal 66, 2022
Evaluating Public Perceptions of Agricultural Water Use by Regions to Guide Extension Programming
AJ Lamm, PN Beattie, MR Taylor
Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research 68 (1), 95-111, 2018
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