Marketing metrics: The definitive guide to measuring marketing performance PW Farris, N Bendle, P Pfeifer, D Reibstein Pearson Education, 2010 | 1487 | 2010 |
An empirical pooling approach for estimating marketing mix elasticities with PIMS data V Ramaswamy, WS DeSarbo, DJ Reibstein, WT Robinson Marketing science 12 (1), 103-124, 1993 | 1353 | 1993 |
The effect of purchase quantity and timing on variety-seeking behavior I Simonson Journal of Marketing research 27 (2), 150-162, 1990 | 1112 | 1990 |
What attracts customers to online stores, and what keeps them coming back? DJ Reibstein Journal of the academy of Marketing Science 30, 465-473, 2002 | 818 | 2002 |
Guest editorial: is marketing academia losing its way? DJ Reibstein, G Day, J Wind Journal of marketing 73 (4), 1-3, 2009 | 566 | 2009 |
Dashboards as a service: why, what, how, and what research is needed? K Pauwels, T Ambler, BH Clark, P LaPointe, D Reibstein, B Skiera, ... Journal of service research 12 (2), 175-189, 2009 | 478 | 2009 |
Brand equity and vertical product line extent T Randall, K Ulrich, D Reibstein Marketing science 17 (4), 356-379, 1998 | 336 | 1998 |
Wharton on dynamic competitive strategy GS Day, DJ Reibstein John Wiley & Sons, 2004 | 334 | 2004 |
The effect of differences in the number of attribute levels on conjoint results DR Wittink, L Krishnamurthi, DJ Reibstein Marketing Letters 1, 113-123, 1990 | 292 | 1990 |
Choosing the right metrics to maximize profitability and shareholder value JA Petersen, L McAlister, DJ Reibstein, RS Winer, V Kumar, G Atkinson Journal of Retailing 85 (1), 95-111, 2009 | 291 | 2009 |
A dinâmica da estratégia competitiva GS Day, DJ Reibstein Campus, 1999 | 253 | 1999 |
Marketing metrics: The manager's guide to measuring marketing performance PW Farris, N Bendle, P Pfeifer, D Reibstein FT press, 2021 | 232 | 2021 |
Market share and distribution: A generalization, a speculation, and some implications DJ Reibstein, PW Farris Marketing Science 14 (3_supplement), G190-G202, 1995 | 219 | 1995 |
Factors affecting coupon redemption rates DJ Reibstein, PA Traver Journal of Marketing 46 (4), 102-113, 1982 | 216 | 1982 |
An investigation into the order of the brand choice process FM Bass, MM Givon, MU Kalwani, D Reibstein, GP Wright Marketing Science 3 (4), 267-287, 1984 | 213 | 1984 |
Competitive marketing behavior in industrial markets V Ramaswamy, H Gatignon, DJ Reibstein Journal of Marketing 58 (2), 45-55, 1994 | 209 | 1994 |
Optimal product line pricing: The influence of elasticities and cross-elasticities DJ Reibstein, H Gatignon Journal of marketing research 21 (3), 259-267, 1984 | 194 | 1984 |
The direction of causality between perceptions, affect, and behavior: An application to travel behavior DJ Reibstein, CH Lovelock, RP Dobson Journal of Consumer Research 6 (4), 370-376, 1980 | 170 | 1980 |
How prices expenditures and profits are linked? Comment prix, dépenses et profits sont liés? PW Farris, DJ Reibstein Harvard Business Review 57 (6), 173-184, 1979 | 162 | 1979 |
Conjoint analysis reliability: Empirical findings D Reibstein, JEG Bateson, W Boulding Marketing Science 7 (3), 271-286, 1988 | 160 | 1988 |