Nasser Alhamar Alkathiri
Nasser Alhamar Alkathiri
Assistant Professor, University of Technology and Applied Science, Salalah, Oman
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Cited by
Drivers of generative AI adoption in higher education through the lens of the Theory of Planned Behaviour
S Ivanov, M Soliman, A Tuomi, NA Alkathiri, AN Al-Alawi
Technology in Society 77, 102521, 2024
How ability, motivation and opportunity influence travel agents performance: the moderating role of absorptive capacity
AM Elbaz, GM Agag, NA Alkathiri
Journal of knowledge management 22 (1), 119-141, 2018
Is eco-label hotel engagement the pathway to sustainability practices via entrepreneurial resilience and orientation in Oman? Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA
Z Salem, I.E., Elbaz, A.M., Al-Alawy, A., Alkathiri, N.A. and Elkhwesky
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2023
Investigating the role of green hotel sustainable strategies to improve customer cognitive and affective image: Evidence from PLS-SEM and fsQCA
IE Salem, AM Elbaz, A Al-Alawi, NA Alkathiri, KA Rashwan
Sustainability 14 (6), 3545, 2022
The economics of paper consumption in offices
IA Shah, S Amjed, NA Alkathiri
Journal of Business Economics and Management 20 (1), 43-62, 2019
Predictors and outcomes of successful localization in the aviation industry: the case of Oman
N Alkathiri, AM Elbaz, I Shah, M Soliman
Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR) 9 (2), 418-443, 2021
Examining foreign direct investment determinants of tourism industry in Oman and Egypt: The moderating role of investment environment
NA Alkathiri, M Soliman
International Journal of Finance & Economics 27 (4), 4722-4740, 2022
Retaining talented employees during COVID-19 pandemic: The leverage of hotel pandemic response strategies
IE Salem, H Aideed, NA Alkathiri, KM Ghazi
Tourism and Hospitality Research 24 (2), 187-202, 2024
A scientometric analysis of entrepreneurial and the digital economy scholarship: state of the art and an agenda for future research
N Meyer, F Ben Said, NA Alkathiri, M Soliman
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 12 (1), 70, 2023
Examining different learning modes: A longitudinal study of business administration students’ performance
AME Islam Elbayoumi Salem, Alamir AL-Alawi, Sanyo Moosa, Lujain El- Maghraby ...
The International Journal of Management Education 22 (1), 100927, 2024
Knowledge management and sustainable entrepreneurship: a bibliometric overview and research agenda
NA Alkathiri, FB Said, N Meyer, M Soliman
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 13 (1), 38, 2024
The anatomy of entrepreneurial failure: Antecedents of the performance failure appraisal inventory and the role of social support
A Al-Alawi, S Amjed, AM Elbaz, NA Alkathiri
Sustainability 15 (9), 7505, 2023
Personality traits as a factor for entrepreneurial success: gender differences in tourism in Oman
AM Elbaz, IE Salem, NA Alkathiri, H Aideed, M Alshanfri
Gender and Entrepreneurship in Tourism, 144-166, 2023
Getting to know ChatGPT: how business students feel, what they think about personal morality, and how their academic outcomes affect Oman's higher education
AM Elbaz, IE Salem, A Darwish, NA Alkathiri, V Mathew, HA Al-Kaaf
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 7, 100324, 2024
Determinants of Knowledge Transfer: Expatriate Competencies and Local Staff Absorptive Capacity
NA Alkathiri
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-19, 2023
Tourist behaviour and poverty reduction
AM Elbaz, IE Salem, A Al-alawi, NA Alkathiri, H Ramkissoon
Handbook on Tourism and Behaviour Change, 235-249, 2023
10. The Role of Personality Traits on Entrepreneurial Success Based on Gender Differences in the Tourism Sector: Oman as a Case
AM Elbaz, IE Salem, NA Alkathiri, H Aideed, M Alshanfri, AM Elbaz, ...
Expatriate Competencies as Antecedents of Knowledge Transfer and Their Impacts on Staff Localisation
N Al Hamar Al Kathiri
University of Plymouth, 2021
" Whoever Deceives Us is Not One of Us": Can Morals and Religion-Related Ethics Be Barriers for Artificial Intelligence (Chatgpt)?
A Elbaz, I Salem, NA Alkathiri, A Darwish, HA Al-Kaaf
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Articles 1–19