Nancy L. Galambos
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Adolescent Development
RM Lerner, NL Galambos
Annual Review of Psychology 49, 1998
Parents do matter: Trajectories of change in externalizing and internalizing problems in early adolescence
NL Galambos, ET Barker, DM Almeida
Child Development 74 (2), 578-594, 2003
Adolescent development: Challenges and opportunities for research, programs, and policies
RM Lerner, NL Galambos
Annual Review of Psychology 49, 413-446, 1998
Depression, self-esteem, and anger in emerging adulthood: seven-year trajectories.
NL Galambos, ET Barker, HJ Krahn
Developmental psychology 42 (2), 350, 2006
Masculinity, femininity, and sex role attitudes in early adolescence: Exploring gender intensification
NL Galambos, DM Almeida, AC Petersen
Child development 61 (6), 1905-1914, 1990
Gender differences in and risk factors for depression in adolescence: A 4-year longitudinal study
N Galambos, B Leadbeater, E Barker
International Journal of Behavioral Development 28 (1), 16-25, 2004
Body dissatisfaction of adolescent girls and boys: Risk and resource factors
ET Barker, NL Galambos
The Journal of Early Adolescence 23 (2), 141-165, 2003
Social, demographic, and health outcomes in the 10 years following adolescent depression
K Naicker, NL Galambos, Y Zeng, A Senthilselvan, I Colman
Journal of Adolescent Health 52 (5), 533-538, 2013
Work values and beliefs of ‘Generation X’and ‘Generation Y’
HJ Krahn, NL Galambos
Journal of Youth Studies 17 (1), 92-112, 2014
The Attitudes Toward Women Scale for Adolescents (AWSA): A study of reliability and validity
NL Galambos, AC Petersen, M Richards, IB Gitelson
Sex roles 13 (5), 343-356, 1985
Gender and gender role development in adolescence
NL Galambos
Handbook of adolescent psychology, 233-262, 2004
Maternal role satisfaction, mother-child interaction, and child temperament: A process model
JV Lerner, NL Galambos
Adolescents and Their Families, 251-258, 2013
Risky business: The paradoxical meaning of problem behavior for young adolescents
JL Maggs, DM Almeida, NL Galambos
The Journal of Early Adolescence 15 (3), 344-362, 1995
Chronological and subjective age in emerging adulthood: The crossover effect
NL Galambos, PK Turner, LC Tilton-Weaver
Journal of adolescent research 20 (5), 538-556, 2005
Adolescents’ internalizing and aggressive behaviors and perceptions of parents’ psychological control: A panel study examining direction of effects
AK Albrecht, NL Galambos, SM Jansson
Journal of youth and adolescence 36, 673-684, 2007
Out-of-School care of young Adolescents and self-reported Behaviour
NL Galambos, JL Maggs
Cognitive and Moral Development, Academic Achievement in Adolescence, 350-361, 2016
Parents' work overload and problem behavior in young adolescents
NL Galambos, HA Sears, DM Almeida, GC Kolaric
Journal of Research on Adolescence 5 (2), 201-223, 1995
The rise and fall of depressive symptoms and academic stress in two samples of university students
ET Barker, AL Howard, R Villemaire-Krajden, NL Galambos
Journal of youth and adolescence 47, 1252-1266, 2018
Losing sleep over it: Daily variation in sleep quantity and quality in Canadian students' first semester of university
NL Galambos, AL Dalton, JL Maggs
Journal of research on adolescence 19 (4), 741-761, 2009
Culture and conceptions of adulthood.
JJ Arnett, NL Galambos
New Directions for Child & Adolescent Development 2003 (100), 2003
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Articles 1–20