Paul Anisef
Cited by
Cited by
Early school leaving among immigrants in Toronto secondary schools
P Anisef, RS Brown, K Phythian, R Sweet, D Walters
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 47 (2), 103-128, 2010
Managing two worlds: The experiences and concerns of immigrant youth in Ontario
P Anisef, KM Kilbride
Canadian Scholars Press, 2003
The persistence of social structure: Cohort, class and gender effects on the occupational aspirations and expectations of Canadian youth
L Andres, P Anisef, H Krahn, D Looker, V Thiessen
Journal of youth studies 2 (3), 261-282, 1999
The acculturation of Canadian immigrants: Determinants of ethnic identification with the host society
D Walters, K Phythian, P Anisef
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 44 (1), 37-64, 2007
The world in a city
P Anisef, CM Lanphier
University of Toronto Press, 2003
Labour market outcomes of immigrant and racial minority university graduates in Canada
P Anisef, R Sweet, G Frempong
Journal of International Migration and Integration/Revue de l'integration et …, 2003
Underrepresented students and the transition to postsecondary education: Comparing two Toronto cohorts
K Robson, P Anisef, RS Brown, R George
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 48 (1), 39-59, 2018
Opportunity and uncertainty: Life course experiences of the class of'73
P Anisef, P Axelrod, E Baichman-Anisef
University of Toronto Press, 2000
Against All Odds? The Enduring Value of Liberal Education in Universities, Professions, and the Labour Market.
P Axelrod, P Anisef, Z Lin
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 31 (2), 47-77, 2001
Between two worlds: The experiences and concerns of immigrant youth in Ontario
KM Kilbride, P Anisef, E Baichman-Anisef, R Khattar
CERIS Project Report.{570} Retrieved August 24, 2005, 2001
The needs of newcomer youth and emerging" best practices" to meet those needs
P Anisef, KM Kilbride
Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigation and Settlement, 2008
Post-high school pathways of immigrant youth
R Sweet, P Anisef, R Brown, D Walters, K Phythian
Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2010
To build on hope: Overcoming the challenges facing newcomer youth at risk in Ontario
KM Kilbride, P Anisef
Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement, 2001
Social infrastructure and vulnerability in the suburbs
L Lo, V Preston, P Anisef, R Basu, S Wang
University of Toronto Press, 2015
Educational pathways and academic performance of youth of immigrant origin: Comparing Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver
M Mc Andrew, R Ait-Said, J Ledent, J Murdoch, P Anisef, R Brown, ...
Canadian Council on Learning (CCL), 2009
The intersectionality of postsecondary pathways: The case of high school students with special education needs
KL Robson, P Anisef, RS Brown, G Parekh
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 51 (3), 193-215, 2014
Consequences and policy implications for university students who have chosen liberal or vocational education in Canada: Labour market outcomes and employability skills
Z Lin, R Sweet, P Anisef
Higher Education Policy 16, 55-85, 2003
Accessibility to postsecondary education in Canada: A review of the literature
P Anisef
Education Support Branch, Department of the Secretary of State of Canada, 1985
Losers and winners: The pursuit of equality and social justice in higher education
P Anisef, NR Okihiro, C James
(No Title), 1982
Needs of Newcomer Youth and Emerging" best Practices" to Meet Those Needs-Final Report
P Anisef, KM Kilbride
Virtual Library, 2000
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Articles 1–20