Andrei Paleyes
Andrei Paleyes
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Challenges in deploying machine learning: a survey of case studies
A Paleyes, RG Urma, ND Lawrence
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2020
Emulation of physical processes with emukit
A Paleyes, M Pullin, M Mahsereci, C McCollum, N Lawrence, J González
Second workshop on machine learning and the physical sciences, NeurIPS 2019, 2019
Causal bayesian optimization
V Aglietti, X Lu, A Paleyes, J González
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 3155-3164, 2020
Good practices for Bayesian optimization of high dimensional structured spaces
E Siivola, A Paleyes, J González, A Vehtari
Applied AI Letters 2 (2), e24, 2021
Automatic discovery of privacy-utility pareto fronts
B Avent, J Gonzalez, T Diethe, A Paleyes, B Balle
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, PETS 2020, 2019
Trieste: Efficiently Exploring The Depths of Black-box Functions with TensorFlow
H Moss, V Picheny, H Stojic, SW Ober, A Artemev, A Paleyes, S Vakili, ...
NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Bayesian Decision-making and Uncertainty, 0
Real-world machine learning systems: A survey from a data-oriented architecture perspective
C Cabrera, A Paleyes, P Thodoroff, ND Lawrence
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.04810, 2023
Emukit: A Python toolkit for decision making under uncertainty
A Paleyes, M Mahsereci, ND Lawrence
Proceedings of the Python in Science Conference, 2023
Effectiveness and resource requirements of test, trace and isolate strategies for COVID in the UK
B He, S Zaidi, B Elesedy, M Hutchinson, A Paleyes, G Harling, ...
Royal Society open science 8 (3), 201491, 2021
Dataflow graphs as complete causal graphs
A Paleyes, S Guo, B Scholkopf, ND Lawrence
2023 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Conference on AI Engineering–Software …, 2023
Towards better data discovery and collection with flow-based programming
A Paleyes, C Cabrera, ND Lawrence
Data-centric AI workshop, NeurIPS 2021, 2021
Desiderata for next generation of ML model serving
S Akoush, A Paleyes, A Van Looveren, C Cox
Workshop on Challenges in Deploying and Monitoring Machine Learning Systems …, 2022
A penalisation method for batch multi-objective Bayesian optimisation with application in heat exchanger design
A Paleyes, HB Moss, V Picheny, P Zulawski, F Newman
Adaptive Experimental Design and Active Learning in the Real World Workshop …, 2022
An empirical evaluation of flow based programming in the machine learning deployment context
A Paleyes, C Cabrera, ND Lawrence
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI Engineering: Software …, 2022
DELVE global COVID-19 dataset
A Bhoopchand, A Paleyes, K Donkers, N Tomasev, U Paquet
Published June 2 2020, 2020
Self-sustaining software systems (S4): Towards improved interpretability and adaptation
C Cabrera, A Paleyes, ND Lawrence
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on New Trends in Software …, 2024
Causal fault localisation in dataflow systems
A Paleyes, ND Lawrence
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems, 140-147, 2023
Automated discovery of trade-off between utility, privacy and fairness in machine learning models
B Ficiu, ND Lawrence, A Paleyes
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.15691, 2023
Towards Maintainable and Explainable AI Systems with Dataflow
A Paleyes
Can causality accelerate experimentation in software systems?
A Paleyes, HB Li, ND Lawrence
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 3rd International Conference on AI Engineering …, 2024
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