Niranjan Saikumar
Niranjan Saikumar
Mechatronics Engineer, Nearfield Instruments
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Cited by
Tuning guidelines for fractional order PID controllers: Rules of thumb
AA Dastjerdi, N Saikumar, SH HosseinNia
Mechatronics 56, 26-36, 2018
“Constant in Gain Lead in Phase” element–application in precision motion control
N Saikumar, RK Sinha, SH HosseinNia
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 24 (3), 1176-1185, 2019
Development of robust fractional-order reset control
L Chen, N Saikumar, SH HosseinNia
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (4), 1404-1417, 2019
Loop-shaping for reset control systems: A higher-order sinusoidal-input describing functions approach
N Saikumar, K Heinen, SH HosseinNia
Control Engineering Practice 111, 104808, 2021
Optimal position control of a DC motor using LQG with EKF
MA Aravind, N Saikumar, NS Dinesh
2017 international conference on mechanical, system and control engineering …, 2017
No more differentiator in PID: Development of nonlinear lead for precision mechatronics
A Palanikumar, N Saikumar, SH HosseinNia
2018 european control conference (ECC), 991-996, 2018
Resetting disturbance observers with application in compensation of bounded nonlinearities like hysteresis in piezo-actuators
N Saikumar, RK Sinha, SH HosseinNia
Control Engineering Practice 82, 36-49, 2019
Closed-loop frequency analyses of reset systems
AA Dastjerdi, A Astolf, N Saikumar, N Karbasizadeh, D Valério, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.10487, 2020
Reset control approximates complex order transfer functions
D Valério, N Saikumar, AA Dastjerdi, N Karbasizadeh, SH HosseinNia
Nonlinear Dynamics 97, 2323-2337, 2019
Generalized fractional order reset element (GFrORE)
N Saikumar, H HosseinNia
9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), 2017
The optimal sequence for reset controllers
C Cai, AA Dastjerdi, N Saikumar, SH HosseinNia
2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 2020
Beyond the waterbed effect: Development of fractional order crone control with non-linear reset
L Chen, N Saikumar, S Baldi, SH HosseinNia
2018 annual american control conference (ACC), 545-552, 2018
Fractional-order single state reset element
N Karbasizadeh, N Saikumar, SH HosseinNia
Nonlinear Dynamics 104, 413-427, 2021
Band-passing nonlinearity in reset elements
N Karbasizadeh, AA Dastjerdi, N Saikumar, SH HosseinNia
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (1), 333-343, 2022
Complex order control for improved loop-shaping in precision positioning
N Saikumar, D Valério, SH HosseinNia
2019 IEEE 58th conference on decision and control (CDC), 7956-7962, 2019
Fractional-order precision motion control for mechatronic applications
SH Hosseinnia, N Saikumar
Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications: Applications in Control 6 …, 2019
FLOreS-Fractional order loop shaping MATLAB toolbox
L van Duist, G van der Gugten, D Toten, N Saikumar, H HosseinNia
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (4), 545-550, 2018
Benefiting from linear behaviour of a nonlinear reset-based element at certain frequencies
N Karbasizadeh, AA Dastjerdi, N Saikumar, D Valério, SHH Nia
2020 Australian and New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), 226-231, 2020
Position control of DC motors with experience mapping based prediction controller
N Saikumar, NS Dinesh
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
A study of experience mapping based prediction controller for position control of DC motors with inertial and friction load changes
N Saikumar, NS Dinesh
2012 IEEE 7th international conference on industrial and information systems …, 2012
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Articles 1–20