Mohammadreza F. Imani
Cited by
Cited by
Dynamic metasurface antennas for 6G extreme massive MIMO communications
N Shlezinger, GC Alexandropoulos, MF Imani, YC Eldar, DR Smith
IEEE Wireless Communications 28 (2), 106-113, 2021
Beam focusing for near-field multiuser MIMO communications
H Zhang, N Shlezinger, F Guidi, D Dardari, MF Imani, YC Eldar
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (9), 7476-7490, 2022
Large metasurface aperture for millimeter wave computational imaging at the human-scale
JN Gollub, O Yurduseven, KP Trofatter, D Arnitz, M F. Imani, T Sleasman, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 42650, 2017
Review of metasurface antennas for computational microwave imaging
MF Imani, JN Gollub, O Yurduseven, AV Diebold, M Boyarsky, ...
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 68 (3), 1860-1875, 2020
Dynamic metamaterial aperture for microwave imaging
T Sleasman, M F Imani, JN Gollub, DR Smith
Applied Physics Letters 107 (20), 2015
Computational imaging using a mode-mixing cavity at microwave frequencies
T Fromenteze, O Yurduseven, MF Imani, J Gollub, C Decroze, D Carsenat, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (19), 2015
Comprehensive simulation platform for a metamaterial imaging system
G Lipworth, A Rose, O Yurduseven, VR Gowda, MF Imani, H Odabasi, ...
Applied optics 54 (31), 9343-9353, 2015
Hybrid reconfigurable intelligent metasurfaces: Enabling simultaneous tunable reflections and sensing for 6G wireless communications
GC Alexandropoulos, N Shlezinger, I Alamzadeh, MF Imani, H Zhang, ...
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2023
Learned integrated sensing pipeline: reconfigurable metasurface transceivers as trainable physical layer in an artificial neural network
P Del Hougne, MF Imani, AV Diebold, R Horstmeyer, DR Smith
Advanced Science 7 (3), 1901913, 2020
Resolution of the frequency diverse metamaterial aperture imager
O Yurduseven, MF Imani, H Odabasi, J Gollub, G Lipworth, A Rose, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 150, 97-107, 2015
Waveguide-fed tunable metamaterial element for dynamic apertures
T Sleasman, MF Imani, W Xu, J Hunt, T Driscoll, MS Reynolds, DR Smith
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 15, 606-609, 2015
Dynamic metasurface antennas for uplink massive MIMO systems
N Shlezinger, O Dicker, YC Eldar, I Yoo, MF Imani, DR Smith
IEEE transactions on communications 67 (10), 6829-6843, 2019
Design considerations for a dynamic metamaterial aperture for computational imaging at microwave frequencies
T Sleasman, M Boyarsky, MF Imani, JN Gollub, DR Smith
JOSA B 33 (6), 1098-1111, 2016
Microwave imaging using a disordered cavity with a dynamically tunable impedance surface
T Sleasman, MF Imani, JN Gollub, DR Smith
Physical Review Applied 6 (5), 054019, 2016
A reconfigurable intelligent surface with integrated sensing capability
I Alamzadeh, GC Alexandropoulos, N Shlezinger, MF Imani
Scientific reports 11 (1), 20737, 2021
Experimental synthetic aperture radar with dynamic metasurfaces
T Sleasman, M Boyarsky, L Pulido-Mancera, T Fromenteze, MF Imani, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (12), 6864-6877, 2017
Electronically steered metasurface antenna
M Boyarsky, T Sleasman, MF Imani, JN Gollub, DR Smith
Scientific reports 11 (1), 4693, 2021
Near-field wireless power transfer for 6G internet of everything mobile networks: Opportunities and challenges
H Zhang, N Shlezinger, F Guidi, D Dardari, MF Imani, YC Eldar
IEEE communications magazine 60 (3), 12-18, 2022
Single-frequency microwave imaging with dynamic metasurface apertures
T Sleasman, M Boyarsky, MF Imani, T Fromenteze, JN Gollub, DR Smith
JOSA B 34 (8), 1713-1726, 2017
Perfect absorption in a disordered medium with programmable meta‐atom inclusions
M F. Imani, DR Smith, P del Hougne
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (52), 2005310, 2020
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Articles 1–20