Jeanine L. Olsen
Jeanine L. Olsen
Marine Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences
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Evaluating signatures of glacial refugia for North Atlantic benthic marine taxa
CA Maggs, R Castilho, D Foltz, C Henzler, MT Jolly, J Kelly, J Olsen, ...
Ecology 89 (sp11), S108-S122, 2008
The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea
JL Olsen, P Rouzé, B Verhelst, YC Lin, T Bayer, J Collen, E Dattolo, ...
Nature 530 (7590), 331-335, 2016
North Atlantic phylogeography and large‐scale population differentiation of the seagrass Zostera marina L.
JL Olsen, WT Stam, JA Coyer, TBH Reusch, M Billingham, C Boström, ...
Molecular ecology 13 (7), 1923-1941, 2004
Real-time PCR reveals a high incidence of Symbiodinium clade D at low levels in four scleractinian corals across the Great Barrier Reef: implications for symbiont …
JC Mieog, MJH van Oppen, NE Cantin, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Coral Reefs 26, 449-457, 2007
Glacial refugia and recolonization pathways in the brown seaweed Fucus serratus
G Hoarau, JA Coyer, JH Veldsink, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Molecular ecology 16 (17), 3606-3616, 2007
Biodiversity mediates top–down control in eelgrass ecosystems: a global comparative‐experimental approach
JE Duffy, PL Reynolds, C Boström, JA Coyer, M Cusson, S Donadi, ...
Ecology letters 18 (7), 696-705, 2015
The roles and interactions of symbiont, host and environment in defining coral fitness
JC Mieog, JL Olsen, R Berkelmans, SA Bleuler-Martinez, BL Willis, ...
PLoS one 4 (7), e6364, 2009
Low effective population size and evidence for inbreeding in an overexploited flatfish, plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.)
G Hoarau, E Boon, DN Jongma, S Ferber, J Palsson, HW Van der Veer, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1562), 497-503, 2005
Distribution, structure and function of Nordic eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystems: implications for coastal management and conservation
C Boström, S Baden, AC Bockelmann, K Dromph, S Fredriksen, ...
Aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 24 (3), 410-434, 2014
Climate change impact on seaweed meadow distribution in the North Atlantic rocky intertidal
A Jueterbock, L Tyberghein, H Verbruggen, JA Coyer, JL Olsen, ...
Ecology and evolution 3 (5), 1356-1373, 2013
A microsatellite‐based estimation of clonal diversity and population subdivision in Zostera marina, a marine flowering plant
TBH Reusch, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Molecular Ecology 9 (2), 127-140, 2000
Post‐ice age recolonization and differentiation of Fucus serratus L. (Phaeophyceae; Fucaceae) populations in Northern Europe
JA Coyer, AF Peters, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Molecular ecology 12 (7), 1817-1829, 2003
Population structure of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in northern Europe: microsatellites revealed large‐scale spatial and temporal homogeneity
G Hoarau, AD Rijnsdorp, HW Van der Veer, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Molecular Ecology 11 (7), 1165-1176, 2002
Stress ecology in Fucus: abiotic, biotic and genetic interactions
M Wahl, V Jormalainen, BK Eriksson, JA Coyer, M Molis, H Schubert, ...
Advances in marine biology 59, 37-105, 2011
Contribution of genetics and genomics to seagrass biology and conservation
G Procaccini, JL Olsen, TBH Reusch
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 350 (1-2), 234-259, 2007
Phylogeography and population structure of thornback rays (Raja clavata L., Rajidae)
M Chevolot, G Hoarau, AD Rijnsdorp, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Molecular Ecology 15 (12), 3693-3705, 2006
An ancient eelgrass clone in the Baltic
TBH Reusch, C Boström, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 183, 301-304, 1999
Heteroplasmy and Evidence for Recombination in the Mitochondrial Control Region of the Flatfish Platichthys flesus
G Hoarau, S Holla, R Lescasse, WT Stam, JL Olsen
Molecular Biology and Evolution 19 (12), 2261-2264, 2002
Molecular genetic evidence for probable reticulate speciation in the coral genus Madracis from a Caribbean fringing reef slope
O Diekmann, R Bak, W Stam, J Olsen
Marine Biology 139, 221-233, 2001
Phylogenetic analyses of Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) and of its associated bacterial microflora provide clues to the origin of the Mediterranean introduction
I Meusnier, JL Olsen, WT Stam, C Destombe, M Valero
Molecular Ecology 10 (4), 931-946, 2001
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