Vesla Mae Weaver
Vesla Mae Weaver
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Political Science & Sociology, Johns Hopkins
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Cited by
Arresting citizenship: The democratic consequences of American crime control
AE Lerman, VM Weaver
University of Chicago Press, 2020
Political consequences of the carceral state
VM Weaver, AE Lerman
American Political Science Review 104 (4), 817-833, 2010
Frontlash: Race and the development of punitive crime policy
VM Weaver
Studies in American political development 21 (2), 230-265, 2007
Police are our government: Politics, political science, and the policing of race–class subjugated communities
J Soss, V Weaver
Annual Review of Political Science 20 (1), 565-591, 2017
The skin color paradox and the American racial order
JL Hochschild, V Weaver
Social forces 86 (2), 643-670, 2007
Creating a new racial order: How immigration, multiracialism, genomics, and the young can remake race in America
JL Hochschild, VM Weaver, TR Burch
Princeton University Press, 2012
Staying out of sight? Concentrated policing and local political action
AE Lerman, V Weaver
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 651 (1 …, 2014
The electoral consequences of skin color: The “hidden” side of race in politics
VM Weaver
Political Behavior 34, 159-192, 2012
Too much knowledge, too little power: An assessment of political knowledge in highly policed communities
V Weaver, G Prowse, S Piston
The Journal of Politics 81 (3), 1153-1166, 2019
The State from Below: Distorted Responsiveness in Policed Communities
G Prowse, V Weaver, T Meares
Urban Affairs Review, 2019
The great decoupling: The disconnection between criminal offending and experience of arrest across two cohorts
VM Weaver, A Papachristos, M Zanger-Tishler
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 5 (1), 89-123, 2019
De-policing America’s youth: Disrupting criminal justice policy feedbacks that distort power and derail prospects
VM Weaver, A Geller
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 685 (1 …, 2019
Withdrawing and drawing in: Political discourse in policed communities
V Weaver, G Prowse, S Piston
Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 5 (3), 604-647, 2020
Between Reconstructions: Congressional action on civil rights, 1891–1940
JA Jenkins, J Peck, VM Weaver
Studies in American Political Development 24 (1), 57-89, 2010
Racial authoritarianism in US democracy
VM Weaver, G Prowse
Science 369 (6508), 1176-1178, 2020
“There's no one as Irish as Barack O'bama”: the policy and politics of American multiracialism
J Hochschild, VM Weaver
Perspectives on Politics 8 (3), 737-759, 2010
Policies of racial classification and the politics of racial inequality
J Hochschild, V Weaver
Remaking America: Democracy and public policy in an age of inequality, 159-182, 2007
Detaining democracy? Criminal justice and American civic life
VM Weaver, JS Hacker, C Wildeman
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 651 (1), 6-21, 2014
Destabilizing the American racial order
JL Hochschild, VM Weaver, T Burch
Daedalus 140 (2), 151-165, 2011
Did blacks really endorse the 1994 crime bill
E Hinton, J Kohler-Hausmann, VM Weaver
New York Times 13, 2016
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Articles 1–20