Diane Whitmer
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Cited by
An objective approach to dry eye disease severity
BD Sullivan, D Whitmer, KK Nichols, A Tomlinson, GN Foulks, G Geerling, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 51 (12), 6125-6130, 2010
A new correlation-based measure of spike timing reliability
S Schreiber, JM Fellous, D Whitmer, P Tiesinga, TJ Sejnowski
Neurocomputing 52, 925-931, 2003
High frequency deep brain stimulation attenuates subthalamic and cortical rhythms in Parkinson's disease
D Whitmer, C De Solages, B Hill, H Yu, JM Henderson, H Bronte-Stewart
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 155, 2012
Active spatial perception in the vibrissa scanning sensorimotor system
SB Mehta, D Whitmer, R Figueroa, BA Williams, D Kleinfeld
PLoS biology 5 (2), e15, 2007
Smartphone application for classification of motor impairment severity in Parkinson's disease
BP Printy, LM Renken, JP Herrmann, I Lee, B Johnson, E Knight, G Varga, ...
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Exploratory whisking by rat is not phase locked to the hippocampal theta rhythm
RW Berg, D Whitmer, D Kleinfeld
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (24), 6518-6522, 2006
Utility of independent component analysis for interpretation of intracranial EEG
D Whitmer, G Worrell, M Stead, IK Lee, S Makeig
Frontiers in human neuroscience 4, 184, 2010
Resting beta hypersynchrony in secondary dystonia and its suppression during pallidal deep brain stimulation in DYT3+ Lubag dystonia
D Whitmer, C de Solages, BC Hill, H Yu, H Bronte-Stewart
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 16 (3), 200-205, 2013
Future directions in Brain/Neuronal computer interaction (Future BNCI)
B Allison, JR Millan, A Nijholt, S Dunne, R Leeb, D Whitmer, M Poel, ...
BCI Meeting 2010, S2, 2010
Evidence of human subthalamic nucleus involvement in decision making
D Whitmer, CN White
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (26), 8753-8755, 2012
Attenuation of beta band hypersynchrony during deep brain stimulation is greater within than above the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease: 822
D Whitmer, C de Solages, BC Hill, HM Yu, JM Henderson, ...
Movement Disorders 26, S276-S277, 2011
Interpretation of mammalian brain rhythms of sensorimotor processing
DJ Whitmer
UC San Diego, 2008
HIVE: Hyper Interaction Viability Experiments EU FP7 FET OPEN-222079
PC Miranda, F Wendling, I Merlet, B Molaee-Ardekani, G Ruffini, S Dunne, ...
Haptic Perception in a Scanning Sensorimotor System
SB Mehta, D Whitmer, R Figueroa, BA Williams, D Kleinfeld
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Articles 1–14