Mark Fedyk
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The epistemology of rational constructivism
M Fedyk, F Xu
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (2), 343–362, 2018
Many randomized clinical trials may not be justified: a cross-sectional analysis of the ethics and science of randomized clinical trials
J De Meulemeester, M Fedyk, L Jurkovic, M Reaume, D Dowlatshahi, ...
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 97, 20-25, 2018
Intuitive epistemology: Children’s theory of evidence
M Fedyk, T Kushnir, F Xu
Advances in experimental philosophy of science, 122-43, 2019
The Metaphysics of Developing Cognitive Systems
M Fedyk, F Xu
Current Controversies in Philosophy of Cognitive Science, 2020
Why the Ethical Justification of Randomized Clinical Trials is a Scientific Question
MCF Shamy, M Fedyk
Journal of clinical epidemiology, 2018
How (not) to Bring Psychology and Biology Together
M Fedyk
Philosophical Studies, 2014
Translating Futility
P Kyriakopoulos, M Fedyk, MCF Shamy
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association journal= journal de l'Association …, 2017
Philosophical Intuitions
M Fedyk
The Role of Intuitions in Philosophical Methodology -- Studia Philosophica …, 2009
A longitudinal study of the impact of personal and professional resources on nurses’ work engagement: a comparison of early-career and mid-later-career nurses
S Nagai, Y Ogata, T Yamamoto, M Fedyk, JF Bell
Healthcare 11 (1), 76, 2022
Projectibility, disagreement and consensus: a challenge to clinical equipoise
M Fedyk, MCF Shamy
Theoretical & Applied Ethics 3 (1), 17-34, 2014
Clinical Trials Involving Hypertension
MCF Shamy, M Fedyk
The New England journal of medicine 376 (3), 289, 2017
What do we talk about when we talk about “equipoise”? Stakeholder interviews assessing the use of equipoise in clinical research ethics
B Dewar, S Chevrier, J De Meulemeester, M Fedyk, R Rodriguez, S Kitto, ...
Trials 24 (1), 203, 2023
Different meanings of equipoise and the four quadrants of uncertainty
M Shamy, B Dewar, M Fedyk
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 248-249, 2020
Benefit of carotid revascularisation for women with symptomatic carotid stenosis: protocol for a systematic review
O Bereznyakova, B Dewar, D Dowlatshahi, V Howard, C Hamel, S Gocan, ...
BMJ open 9 (11), e032140, 2019
The Social Turn in Moral Psychology
M Fedyk
The MIT Press, 2017
Protocol for deferral of consent in acute stroke trials
H Faris, B Dewar, M Fedyk, D Dowlatshahi, B Menon, RH Swartz, MD Hill, ...
Neurology 100 (6), 292-300, 2023
Advance consent in acute stroke trials: survey of Canadian stroke physicians
U Udoh, B Dewar, S Nicholls, M Fedyk, R Fahed, J Perry, MD Hill, ...
Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 51 (1), 122-125, 2024
How philosophy of science can unlock new methods in bioethics
M Fedyk
The American Journal of Bioethics 22 (12), 51-53, 2022
Creativity as potentially valuable improbable constructions
M Fedyk, F Xu
European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1), 27, 2021
Protocol for a systematic scoping review of reasons given to justify the performance of randomised controlled trials
B Dewar, M Fedyk, L Jurkovic, S Chevrier, R Rodriguez, SC Kitto, ...
BMJ open 9 (7), e027575, 2019
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Artículos 1–20