M.R. Jahed-Motlagh
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Cited by
Stabilization of a CSTR with two arbitrarily switching modes using modal state feedback linearization
MB Yazdi, MR Jahed-Motlagh
Chemical Engineering Journal 155 (3), 838-843, 2009
Nonlinear model predictive control of a pH neutralization process based on Wiener–Laguerre model
S Mahmoodi, J Poshtan, MR Jahed-Motlagh, A Montazeri
Chemical Engineering Journal 146 (3), 328-337, 2009
Nonlinear predictive control of a polymerization reactor based on piecewise linear Wiener model
G Shafiee, MM Arefi, MR Jahed-Motlagh, AA Jalali
Chemical Engineering Journal 143 (1-3), 282-292, 2008
Improved adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller for robust fault tolerant of a quadrotor
S Barghandan, MA Badamchizadeh, MR Jahed-Motlagh
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 15, 427-441, 2017
Robust control and modeling a 2-DOF inertial stabilized platform
H Khodadadi, MRJ Motlagh, M Gorji
International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering …, 2011
Piecewise affine modeling and control of a boiler–turbine unit
M Keshavarz, MB Yazdi, MR Jahed-Motlagh
Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (8-9), 781-791, 2010
Wiener-neural identification and predictive control of a more realistic plug-flow tubular reactor
MM Arefi, A Montazeri, J Poshtan, MR Jahed-Motlagh
Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (1-3), 274-282, 2008
Analysis and circuitry realization of a novel three-dimensional chaotic system
A Abooee, HA Yaghini-Bonabi, MR Jahed-Motlagh
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 (5), 1235-1245, 2013
Adaptive neural stabilizing controller for a class of mismatched uncertain nonlinear systems by state and output feedback
MM Arefi, MR Jahed-Motlagh, HR Karimi
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (8), 1587-1596, 2014
Designing PID and BELBIC controllers in path tracking problem
S Jafarzadeh, R Mirheidari, MRJ Motlagh, M Barkhordari
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 3, 343-348, 2008
Application of a new multi-variable feedback linearization method for improvement of power systems transient stability
A Kazemi, MRJ Motlagh, AH Naghshbandy
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 29 (4), 322-328, 2007
Robust control of an active suspension system with actuator time delay by predictor feedback
K Karim Afshar, A Javadi, MR Jahed‐Motlagh
IET Control Theory & Applications 12 (7), 1012-1023, 2018
A socially-based distributed self-organizing algorithm for holonic multi-agent systems: Case study in a task environment
A Esmaeili, N Mozayani, MRJ Motlagh, ET Matson
Cognitive Systems Research 43, 21-44, 2017
Observer‐based adaptive neural control of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with unknown control direction
MM Arefi, MR Jahed‐Motlagh
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 27 (9), 741-754, 2013
An adaptive speckle suppression filter based on Nakagami distribution
S Ghofrani, MR Jahed-Motlagh, A Ayatollahi
EUROCON'2001. International Conference on Trends in Communications …, 2001
Quality of service support for ODMRP unicast routing in ad hoc networks
A Darehshoorzadeh, MRJ Motlagh, M Dehghan
International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT'06), 47-47, 2006
Nonlinear model predictive control of chemical processes with a Wiener identification approach
MM Arefi, A Montazeri, J Poshtan, MR Jahed-Motlagh
2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 1735-1740, 2006
Intelligent autopilot control design for a 2-DOF helicopter model
S Jafarzadeh, R Mirheidari, MRJ Motlagh, M Barkhordari
International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control 3 (3), 337-342, 2008
Robust stabilization for uncertain switched neutral systems with interval time-varying mixed delays
H Ghadiri, MR Jahed-Motlagh, MB Yazdi
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 13, 2-21, 2014
Synchronization of different-order chaotic systems: Adaptive active vs. optimal control
F Motallebzadeh, MRJ Motlagh, ZR Cherati
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (9), 3643-3657, 2012
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Articles 1–20