Feng Lin
Cited by
Cited by
Low-dose CT with a residual encoder-decoder convolutional neural network
H Chen, Y Zhang, MK Kalra, F Lin, Y Chen, P Liao, J Zhou, G Wang
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 36 (12), 2524-2535, 2017
Smart Insole: A Wearable Sensor Device for Unobtrusive Gait Monitoring in Daily Life
F Lin, A Wang, Y Zhuang, MR Tomita, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (6), 2281 - 2291, 2016
Cardiac Scan: a Non-contact and Continuous Heart-based User Authentication System
F Lin, C Song, Y Zhuang, W Xu, C Li, K Ren
2017 ACM MobiCom, 315-328, 2017
Wearable food intake monitoring technologies: A comprehensive review
T Vu, F Lin, N Alshurafa, W Xu
Computers 6 (1), 4, 2017
SleepSense: a Noncontact and Cost-effective Sleep Monitoring System
F Lin, Y Zhuang, C Song, A Wang, Y Li, C Gu, C Li, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 11 (1), 189-202, 2017
My smartphone knows what you print: Exploring smartphone-based side-channel attacks against 3d printers
C Song, F Lin, Z Ba, K Ren, C Zhou, W Xu
2016 ACM CCS, 895-907, 2016
A robust real-time embedded vision system on an unmanned rotorcraft for ground target following
F Lin, X Dong, BM Chen, KY Lum, TH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (2), 1038-1049, 2011
Human Gender Classification: A Review
F Lin, Y Wu, Y Zhuang, X Long, W Xu
International Journal of Biometrics 8 (3/4), 2016
Wavoice: A Noise-resistant Multi-modal Speech Recognition System Fusing mmWave and Audio Signals
T Liu, M Gao, F Lin, C Wang, Z Ba, J Han, W Xu, K Ren
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'21), 97-110, 2021
VocalPrint: exploring a resilient and secure voice authentication via mmWave biometric interrogation
H Li, C Xu, AS Rathore, Z Li, H Zhang, C Song, K Wang, L Su, F Lin, ...
18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'20), 312-325, 2020
Brain password: A secure and truly cancelable brain biometrics for smart headwear
F Lin, KW Cho, C Song, W Xu, Z Jin
ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), 296-309, 2018
OcuLock: Exploring Human Visual System for Authentication in Virtual Reality Head-mounted Display
S Luo, A Nguyen, C Song, F Lin, W Xu, Z Yan
NDSS Symposium 2020, 2020
Injecting Reliable Radio Frequency Fingerprints Using Metasurface for The Internet of Things
S Rajendran, Z Sun, F Lin, K Ren
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) 16, 1896-1911, 2021
Body-Earth Mover’s Distance: A Matching-Based Approach for Sleep Posture Recognition
X Xu, F Lin, A Wang, Y Hu, M Huang, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 10 (5), 1023 - 1035, 2016
A survey on IoT-enabled home automation systems: Attacks and defenses
Z Wang, D Liu, Y Sun, X Pang, P Sun, F Lin, JCS Lui, K Ren
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 24 (4), 2292-2328, 2022
Performance analysis of terahertz unmanned aerial vehicular networks
X Wang, P Wang, M Ding, Z Lin, F Lin, B Vucetic, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 16330-16335, 2020
A Configurable Energy-Efficient Compressed Sensing Architecture with its Application on Body Sensor Networks
A Wang, F Lin, Z Jin, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (1), 15-27, 2016
Airsense: A portable context-sensing device for personal air quality monitoring
Y Zhuang, F Lin, EH Yoo, W Xu
Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare, 17-22, 2015
Learning generalized transformation equivariant representations via autoencoding transformations
GJ Qi, L Zhang, F Lin, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (4), 2045-2057, 2020
RFace: Anti-Spoofing Facial Authentication Using COTS RFID
W Xu, J Liu, S Zhang, Y Zheng, F Lin, J Han, F Xiao, K Ren
IEEE INFOCOM 2021, 2021
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Articles 1–20