Vitaly Volpert (Виталий Айзикович Вольперт)
Vitaly Volpert (Виталий Айзикович Вольперт)
CNRS, Institut Camille Jordan, University Lyon 1, and RUDN University
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Cited by
Cited by
Traveling wave solutions of parabolic systems: translations of mathematical monographs
AI Volpert
Elliptic partial differential equations
VA Volʹpert
Birkhäuser, 2014
Reaction–diffusion waves in biology
V Volpert, S Petrovskii
Physics of life reviews 6 (4), 267-310, 2009
Methods of blood flow modelling
N Bessonov, A Sequeira, S Simakov, Y Vassilevskii, V Volpert
Mathematical modelling of natural phenomena 11 (1), 1-25, 2016
Pattern and waves for a model in population dynamics with nonlocal consumption of resources
S Genieys, V Volpert, P Auger
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 1 (1), 63-80, 2006
On a quarantine model of coronavirus infection and data analysis
V Volpert, M Banerjee, S Petrovskii
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 15, 24, 2020
Gap Junctional Blockade Stochastically Induces Different Species-Specific Head Anatomies in Genetically Wild-Type Girardia dorotocephala Flatworms
M Emmons-Bell, F Durant, J Hammelman, N Bessonov, V Volpert, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (11), 27865-27896, 2015
Atherosclerosis initiation modeled as an inflammatory process
NE Khatib, S Genieys, V Volpert
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 2 (2), 126-141, 2007
Effect of convection on a propagating front with a solid product: comparison of theory and experiments
G Bowden, M Garbey, VM Ilyashenko, JA Pojman, SE Solovyov, A Taik, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101 (4), 678-686, 1997
Spatial structures and generalized travelling waves for an integro-differential equation
N Apreutesei, N Bessonov, V Volpert, V Vougalter
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 13 (3), 537-557, 2010
Mathematical immunology of virus infections
G Bocharov, V Volpert, B Ludewig, A Meyerhans
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Modelling of thrombus growth in flow with a DPD-PDE method
A Tosenberger, F Ataullakhanov, N Bessonov, M Panteleev, A Tokarev, ...
Journal of theoretical biology 337, 30-41, 2013
Modelling of platelet–fibrin clot formation in flow with a DPD–PDE method
A Tosenberger, F Ataullakhanov, N Bessonov, M Panteleev, A Tokarev, ...
Journal of mathematical biology 72, 649-681, 2016
Reaction-diffusion problems with non-Fredholm operators
A Ducrot, M Marion, V Volpert
Modeling thrombosis in silico: Frontiers, challenges, unresolved problems and milestones
AV Belyaev, JL Dunster, JM Gibbins, MA Panteleev, V Volpert
Physics of life reviews 26, 57-95, 2018
Applying ecological and evolutionary theory to cancer: a long and winding road
F Thomas, D Fisher, P Fort, et al
Evol Appl. 6 (1), 1-10, 2013
Solvability conditions for some non-Fredholm operators
V Vougalter, V Volpert
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 54 (1), 249-271, 2011
Evidence for the Existence of an Effective Interfacial Tension between Miscible Fluids. 2. Dodecyl Acrylate− Poly (dodecyl acrylate) in a Spinning Drop Tensiometer
B Zoltowski, Y Chekanov, J Masere, JA Pojman, V Volpert
Langmuir 23 (10), 5522-5531, 2007
Reaction–diffusion model of atherosclerosis development
N El Khatib, S Génieys, B Kazmierczak, V Volpert
Journal of mathematical biology 65, 349-374, 2012
Systemes de réaction–diffusion sans propriété de Fredholm
A Ducrot, M Marion, V Volpert
Comptes rendus. Mathématique 340 (9), 659-664, 2005
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Articles 1–20