Brian M Staes
Brian M Staes
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Analyzing transportation network performance during emergency evacuations: Evidence from Hurricane Irma
B Staes, N Menon, RL Bertini
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 95, 102841, 2021
Measuring Transportation Network Performance During Emergency Evacuations: A Case Study of Hurricane Irma and Woolsey Fire
N Menon, B Staes, RL Bertini
Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD), 2020
Examining freeway bottleneck features during a mass evacuation
BM Staes, RL Bertini, N Menon, E Yuksel
Transportation research record 2675 (9), 547-557, 2021
A Contemporary Approach for Visualizing Temporal and Spatial Urban Freight Movement by Leveraging Mobility Portal Data
E Yuksel, RL Bertini, N Menon, S Ozkul, B Staes
2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), 272-279, 2020
Data-driven computation of state-dependent passenger car equivalency for multiple truck lengths
E Yuksel, RL Bertini, X Li, B Staes, S Ozkul
Transportation research record 2676 (11), 194-205, 2022
Diagnosis of Freeway Bottlenecks During the Mass Evacuation for Hurricane Irma on Florida's Turnpike Mainline
BM Staes
University of South Florida, 2020
Congested Pattern Analysis in the Framework of Kerner’s Three-Phase Traffic Theory: A Comparison Between US and German Probe Vehicle Data
J Paczia, BM Staes, RL Bertini, S Hoffmann, H Rehborn, O Stein, ...
Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2023
Lessons Learned From the 2018 Attica Wildfire: Households’ Expectations of Evacuation Logistics and Evacuation Time Estimate Components
MRK Siam, BM Staes, MK Lindell, H Wang
Fire Technology, 1-33, 2024
Development of a Length-Based Cell-State Framework Toward the Re-Creation of Large-Scale Dense Congestion Patterns
BM Staes, H Wang, RL Bertini
Transportation Research Record, 03611981241243328, 2024
Improved Systematic Analysis to Predict Roadway Safety Performance
H Wang, X Li, MRK Siam, BM Staes
Oregon. Dept. of Transportation. Research Section, 2024
Oregon Department of Transportation
H Wang, X Li, MRK Siam, BM Staes
Salem, OR. USA: Oregon Department of Transportation, 2023
Improving Mapping and Selection of Low-Speed Autonomous Vehicle Shuttle Routes: A Data-Driven Framework
BM Staes, RL Bertini, N Menon
Automated People Movers and Automated Transit Systems 2022, 1-13, 2022
Insights Gained by Incorporating Continuous Vehicle Length Data into Empirical Freeway Bottleneck Diagnosis
E Yuksel, RL Bertini, B Staes, N Menon
Transportation Research Board 100th Annual MeetingTransportation Research …, 2021
Application of Least-Cost Distance Model and Agent-Based Model in Evacuation Time Estimate
C Liu, BM Staes, H Wang
Available at SSRN 4917159, 0
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