Suzanne Chan-Serafin
Cited by
Cited by
Relative effectiveness of worker safety and health training methods
MJ Burke, SA Sarpy, K Smith-Crowe, S Chan-Serafin, RO Salvador, ...
American journal of public health 96 (2), 315-324, 2006
Subtle yet significant: The existence and impact of everyday racial discrimination in the workplace
EA Deitch, A Barsky, RM Butz, S Chan, AP Brief, JC Bradley
Human relations 56 (11), 1299-1324, 2003
The dread factor: how hazards and safety training influence learning and performance.
MJ Burke, RO Salvador, K Smith-Crowe, S Chan-Serafin, A Smith, ...
Journal of applied psychology 96 (1), 46, 2011
PERSPECTIVE—How Does Religion Matter and Why? Religion and the Organizational Sciences
S Chan-Serafin, AP Brief, JM George
Organization Science 24 (5), 1585-1600, 2013
The role of national culture and organizational climate in safety training effectiveness
MJ Burke, S Chan-Serafin, R Salvador, A Smith, SA Sarpy
European journal of work and organizational psychology 17 (1), 133-152, 2008
The ethics “fix”: When formal systems make a difference
K Smith-Crowe, AE Tenbrunsel, S Chan-Serafin, AP Brief, EE Umphress, ...
Journal of Business Ethics 131, 791-801, 2015
The effects of neutral, evaluative, and pressing mediator strategies
JA Wall, TC Dunne, S Chan‐Serafin
Conflict Resolution Quarterly 29 (2), 127-150, 2011
Processes in civil case mediations
JA Wall Jr, S Chan‐Serafin
Conflict Resolution Quarterly 26 (3), 261-291, 2009
Do mediators walk their talk in civil cases?
JA Wall Jr, S Chan‐Serafin
Conflict Resolution Quarterly 28 (1), 3-21, 2010
The perils of dating your boss: The role of hierarchical workplace romance and sex on evaluators’ career advancement decisions for lower status romance participants
S Chan-Serafin, L Teo, A Minbashian, D Cheng, L Wang
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 34 (3), 309-333, 2017
Friendly persuasion in civil case mediations
JA Wall Jr, S Chan‐Serafin
Conflict Resolution Quarterly 31 (3), 285-303, 2014
Moral foundations in organisations: Exploring the role of moral concerns and organisational identification on unethical pro-organisational behaviours
L Teo, S Chan-Serafin
Meeting of the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management, Hobart …, 2013
Mediator pressing techniques: A theoretical model of their determinants
JA Wall, S Chan-Serafin, T Dunne
Group Decision and Negotiation 21 (5), 601-619, 2012
HR practices and work relationships: A 20 year review of relational HRM research
AR Bannya, HTJ Bainbridge, S Chan‐Serafin
Human resource management 62 (4), 391-412, 2023
When Leadership Matters and When It Does Not: A Commentary.
S Chan, AP Brief
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2005
The adoption of human resource practices to support employees affected by intimate partner violence: Women representation in leadership matters
S Chan‐Serafin, K Sanders, L Wang, SLD Restubog
Human Resource Management 62 (5), 745-764, 2023
Sex as a tool at work: Flirting to success or flirting with disaster
S Chan-Serafin, AP Brief, MB Watkins
Unpublished manuscript, University of Utah, 2007
Subtle yet significant: Investigating the existence and consequences of everyday racism in the workplace
B Deitch, A Barsky, R Butz, AP Brief, J Bradley, S Chan
Human Relations 56, 1299-1327, 2003
Moral diversity and its impact on individuals’ ethical decision making in organizations
L Teo, S Chan-Serafin
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 15396, 2013
Hierarchical Workplace Romance: The Role of Social Judgment and Gender on Career Outcomes
L Teo, S Chan-Serafin, A Minbashian, DC Cheng, L Wang
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 12880, 2012
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Articles 1–20