Anupam Gupta
Anupam Gupta
Professor of Computer Science at New York University
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An elementary proof of a theorem of Johnson and Lindenstrauss
S Dasgupta, A Gupta
Random Structures & Algorithms 22 (1), 60-65, 2003
Near-optimal sensor placements: Maximizing information while minimizing communication cost
A Krause, C Guestrin, A Gupta, J Kleinberg
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Information processing in …, 2006
Bounded geometries, fractals, and low-distortion embeddings
A Gupta, R Krauthgamer, JR Lee
44th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2003 …, 2003
Provisioning a virtual private network: a network design problem for multicommodity flow
A Gupta, J Kleinberg, A Kumar, R Rastogi, B Yener
Proceedings of the thirty-third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2001
Robust Submodular Observation Selection.
A Krause, HB McMahan, C Guestrin, A Gupta
Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (12), 2008
Differentially private combinatorial optimization
A Gupta, K Ligett, F McSherry, A Roth, K Talwar
Proceedings of the twenty-first annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2010
Constrained non-monotone submodular maximization: Offline and secretary algorithms
A Gupta, A Roth, G Schoenebeck, K Talwar
International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, 246-257, 2010
Iterative constructions and private data release
A Gupta, A Roth, J Ullman
Theory of Cryptography: 9th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2012 …, 2012
Cuts, Trees and ℓ1-Embeddings of Graphs
A Gupta, I Newman, Y Rabinovich, A Sinclair
Combinatorica 24 (2), 233-269, 2004
Simpler and better approximation algorithms for network design
A Gupta, A Kumar, T Roughgarden
Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2003
Boosted sampling: approximation algorithms for stochastic optimization
A Gupta, M Pál, R Ravi, A Sinha
Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2004
, and correlations studied via femtoscopy in reactions at
S Acharya, D Adamová, J Adolfsson, MM Aggarwal, G Aglieri Rinella, ...
Physical review C 99 (2), 024001, 2019
Better algorithms for stochastic bandits with adversarial corruptions
A Gupta, T Koren, K Talwar
Conference on Learning Theory, 1562-1578, 2019
Approximate clustering without the approximation
MF Balcan, A Blum, A Gupta
Proceedings of the twentieth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2009
On hierarchical routing in doubling metrics
THH Chan, A Gupta, BM Maggs, S Zhou
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 12 (4), 1-22, 2016
Privately releasing conjunctions and the statistical query barrier
A Gupta, M Hardt, A Roth, J Ullman
Proceedings of the forty-third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2011
Discovering pathways by orienting edges in protein interaction networks
A Gitter, J Klein-Seetharaman, A Gupta, Z Bar-Joseph
Nucleic acids research 39 (4), e22-e22, 2011
When LP is the cure for your matching woes: Improved bounds for stochastic matchings
N Bansal, A Gupta, J Li, J Mestre, V Nagarajan, A Rudra
Algorithmica 63, 733-762, 2012
Steiner points in tree metrics don't (really) help.
A Gupta
SODA 1, 220-227, 2001
Forest density estimation
H Liu, M Xu, H Gu, A Gupta, J Lafferty, L Wasserman
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 12, 907-951, 2011
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Articles 1–20