Boram Yoon
Boram Yoon
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Isovector charges of the nucleon from -flavor lattice QCD
R Gupta, YC Jang, B Yoon, HW Lin, V Cirigliano, T Bhattacharya, ...
Physical Review D 98 (3), 034503, 2018
Axial, scalar, and tensor charges of the nucleon from -flavor Lattice QCD
T Bhattacharya, V Cirigliano, SD Cohen, R Gupta, HW Lin, B Yoon, ...
Physical Review D 94 (5), 054508, 2016
Nucleon charges and electromagnetic form factors from -flavor lattice QCD
T Bhattacharya, SD Cohen, R Gupta, A Joseph, HW Lin, B Yoon, ...
Physical Review D 89 (9), 094502, 2014
Isovector and isoscalar tensor charges of the nucleon from lattice QCD
T Bhattacharya, V Cirigliano, SD Cohen, R Gupta, A Joseph, HW Lin, ...
Physical Review D 92 (9), 094511, 2015
Neutron electric dipole moment and tensor charges from lattice QCD
T Bhattacharya, V Cirigliano, R Gupta, HW Lin, B Yoon, ...
Physical Review Letters 115 (21), 212002, 2015
Quantum algorithm implementations for beginners
A Adedoyin, J Ambrosiano, P Anisimov, W Casper, G Chennupati, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03719, 2018
Axial-vector form factors of the nucleon from lattice QCD
R Gupta, YC Jang, HW Lin, B Yoon, T Bhattacharya, ...
Physical Review D 96 (11), 114503, 2017
Quantum algorithm implementations for beginners
PJ Coles, S Eidenbenz, S Pakin, A Adedoyin, J Ambrosiano, P Anisimov, ...
arXiv, arXiv: 1804.03719, 2018
Flavor diagonal tensor charges of the nucleon from ()-flavor lattice QCD
R Gupta, B Yoon, T Bhattacharya, V Cirigliano, YC Jang, HW Lin, ...
Physical Review D 98 (9), 091501, 2018
Axial vector form factors from lattice QCD that satisfy the PCAC relation
YC Jang, R Gupta, B Yoon, T Bhattacharya
Physical Review Letters 124 (7), 072002, 2020
Nucleon transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions in lattice QCD: renormalization patterns and discretization effects
B Yoon, M Engelhardt, R Gupta, T Bhattacharya, JR Green, BU Musch, ...
Physical Review D 96 (9), 094508, 2017
Kaon BSM -parameters using improved staggered fermions from unquenched QCD
BJ Choi, YC Jang, C Jung, H Jeong, J Kim, J Kim, S Kim, W Lee, J Leem, ...
Physical Review D 93 (1), 014511, 2016
using HYP-smeared staggered fermions in unquenched QCD
T Bae, YC Jang, C Jung, HJ Kim, J Kim, J Kim, K Kim, W Lee, SR Sharpe, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 82 (11), 114509, 2010
A complete set of in-medium splitting functions to any order in opacity
MD Sievert, I Vitev, B Yoon
Physics Letters B 795, 502-510, 2019
Precision nucleon charges and form factors using ()-flavor lattice QCD
S Park, R Gupta, B Yoon, S Mondal, T Bhattacharya, YC Jang, B Joó, ...
Physical Review D 105 (5), 054505, 2022
Isovector charges of the nucleon from -flavor QCD with clover fermions
B Yoon, YC Jang, R Gupta, T Bhattacharya, J Green, B Joó, HW Lin, ...
Physical Review D 95 (7), 074508, 2017
Dimension-5 -odd operators: QCD mixing and renormalization
T Bhattacharya, V Cirigliano, R Gupta, E Mereghetti, B Yoon
Physical Review D 92 (11), 114026, 2015
Controlling excited-state contamination in nucleon matrix elements
B Yoon, R Gupta, T Bhattacharya, M Engelhardt, J Green, B Joó, HW Lin, ...
Physical Review D 93 (11), 114506, 2016
Kaon B Parameter from Improved Staggered Fermions in N f<? format?>=<? format?> 2<? format?>+ 1 QCD
T Bae, YC Jang, C Jung, HJ Kim, J Kim, J Kim, K Kim, S Kim, W Lee, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (4), 041601, 2012
Pion-nucleon sigma term from lattice QCD
R Gupta, S Park, M Hoferichter, E Mereghetti, B Yoon, T Bhattacharya
Physical review letters 127 (24), 242002, 2021
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