Sudarshan TSB
Cited by
Cited by
A genetic fuzzy system based optimized zone based energy efficient routing protocol for mobile sensor networks (OZEEP)
JR Srivastava, TSB Sudarshan
Applied Soft Computing 37, 863-886, 2015
Intelligent traffic management with wireless sensor networks
JR Srivastava, TSB Sudarshan
2013 ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications …, 2013
Deep Learning Methods for Multi-Species Animal Re-identification and Tracking–a Survey
PC Ravoor, TSB Sudarshan
Computer Science Review 38, 100289, 2020
Highly efficient LRU implementations for high associativity cache memory
TSB Sudarshan, RA Mir, S Vijayalakshmi
Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and …, 2004
Intelligent lighting system using wireless sensor networks
AA Kumaar, S TSB
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.0203, 2010
Coordination of mobile robots with master-slave architecture for a service application
A Anand, M Nithya, TSB Sudarshan
2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics …, 2014
Energy efficient deployment of wireless sensor network by multiple mobile robots
M Rajesh, A George, TSB Sudarshan
2015 international conference on computing and network communications …, 2015
Deep learning methods for animal recognition and tracking to detect intrusions
AV Sayagavi, TSB Sudarshan, PC Ravoor
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems …, 2021
An intelligent facial expression recognition system with emotion intensity classification
S Saxena, S Tripathi, TSB Sudarshan
Cognitive Systems Research 74, 39-52, 2022
ZEEP: Zone based energy efficient routing protocol for mobile sensor networks
JR Srivastava, TSB Sudarshan
2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2013
Energy-efficient cache node placement using genetic algorithm in wireless sensor networks
JR Srivastava, TSB Sudarshan
Soft Computing 19, 3145-3158, 2015
Hashchip: A shared-resource multi-hash function processor architecture on FPGA
TS Ganesh, MT Frederick, TSB Sudarshan, AK Somani
Integration 40 (1), 11-19, 2007
Mobile robot programming by demonstration
AAN Kumaar, TSB Sudarshan
2011 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering …, 2011
Stable route AODV routing protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks
M Rajesh, K Vanishree, TSB Sudarshan
2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications …, 2015
Enabling seamless execution on hybrid CPU/FPGA systems: Challenges & directions
M Belwal, M Purnaprajna, TSB Sudarshan
2015 25th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and …, 2015
SOC design of a Low Power Wireless Sensor network node for Zigbee Systems
NB Kothari, TSB Sudarshan, S Gurunarayanan
2006 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, 462-466, 2006
Neural synchronization by mutual learning using genetic approach for secure key generation
S Santhanalakshmi, TSB Sudarshan, GK Patra
Recent Trends in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Security …, 2012
Multi robot exploration and mapping using frontier cell concept
M Rajesh, GR Jose, TSB Sudarshan
2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2014
Experimentation and analysis of time series data for rescue robotics
R Gopalapillai, D Gupta, TSB Sudarshan
Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics: Proceedings of the Second …, 2014
Overlay based fault tolerant peer to peer multicasting for emergency data communication in VANETS
V Karanam, BU Maheswari, TSB Sudarshan
2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation …, 2017
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Articles 1–20