Javiera Barrera
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Cited by
Chance-constrained problems and rare events: an importance sampling approach
J Barrera, T Homem-de-Mello, E Moreno, BK Pagnoncelli, G Canessa
Mathematical Programming 157 (1), 153-189, 2016
Abrupt convergence and escape behavior for birth and death chains
J Barrera, O Bertoncini, R Fernández
Journal of Statistical Physics 137 (4), 595-623, 2009
Cut-off for n-tuples of exponentially converging processes
J Barrera, B Lachaud, B Ycart
Stochastic processes and their applications 116 (10), 1433-1446, 2006
Topological optimization of reliable networks under dependent failures
J Barrera, H Cancela, E Moreno
Operations Research Letters 43 (2), 132-136, 2015
Bounds for left and right window cutoffs
J Barrera, B Ycart
ALEA-Latin Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 11 ((2)), 445–458, 2014
On the Marshall–Olkin Copula Model for Network Reliability Under Dependent Failures
O Matus, J Barrera, E Moreno, G Rubino
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 68 (2), 451-461, 2019
Neutral space analysis for a Boolean network model of the fission yeast cell cycle network
GA Ruz, T Timmermann, J Barrera, E Goles
Biological research 47 (1), 64, 2014
Planning resilient networks against natural hazards: Understanding the importance of correlated failures and the value of flexible transmission assets
J Barrera, P Beaupuits, E Moreno, R Moreno, FD Muñoz
Electric Power Systems Research 197, 107280, 2021
Decarbonizing the Chilean Electric Power System: A Prospective Analysis of Alternative Carbon Emissions Policies
F Babonneau, J Barrera, J Toledo
Energies 14 (16), 4768, 2021
Operating room scheduling under waiting time constraints: the Chilean GES plan
J Barrera, RA Carrasco, S Mondschein, G Canessa, D Rojas-Zalazar
Annals of Operations Research 286 (1), 501-527, 2020
Size-biased permutation of Dirichlet partitions and search-cost distribution
J Barrera, T Huillet, C Paroissin
Probab. Engrg. Inform. Sci 19, 83-97, 2005
On the distribution of the search cost for the move-to-front rule with random weights
J Barrera, C Paroissin
Journal of applied probability, 250-262, 2004
Cut-off and exit from metastability: two sides of the same coin
O Bertoncini, J Barrera, R Fernández
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 346 (11-12), 691-696, 2008
Real-time fleet management decision support system with security constraints
J Barrera, RA Carrasco, E Moreno
TOP 28, 728-748, 2020
The limiting move-to-front search-cost in law of large numbers asymptotic regimes
J Barrera, J Fontbona
The Annals of Applied Probability 20 (2), 722-752, 2010
Communication Network Reliability Under Geographically Correlated Failures Using Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
D Jiménez, J Barrera, H Cancela
IEEE Access 11, 31341-31354, 2023
Calibrating a dependent failure model for computing reliabilities in telecommunication networks
O Matus, J Barrera, E Moreno, G Rubino
2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 490-500, 2016
Limiting search cost distribution for the move-to-front rule with random request probabilities
J Barrera, T Huillet, C Paroissin
Operations research letters 34 (5), 557-563, 2006
On random splitting of the interval
J Barrera, T Huillet
Statistics & probability letters 66 (3), 237-250, 2004
Limit distributions of the upper order statistics for the Lévy-frailty Marshall-Olkin distribution
J Barrera, G Lagos
Extremes 23 (4), 603-628, 2020
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Articles 1–20