Dorian Peters
Cited by
Cited by
Positive computing: technology for wellbeing and human potential
RA Calvo, D Peters
MIT press, 2014
Designing for motivation, engagement and wellbeing in digital experience
D Peters, RA Calvo, RM Ryan
Frontiers in psychology 9, 797, 2018
Responsible AI—two frameworks for ethical design practice
D Peters, K Vold, D Robinson, RA Calvo
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society 1 (1), 34-47, 2020
Supporting human autonomy in AI systems: A framework for ethical enquiry
RA Calvo, D Peters, K Vold, RM Ryan
Ethics of digital well-being: A multidisciplinary approach, 31-54, 2020
Interface design for learning: Design strategies for learning experiences
D Peters
Pearson Education, 2014
Toolkits, cards and games–a review of analogue tools for collaborative ideation
D Peters, L Loke, N Ahmadpour
CoDesign 17 (4), 410-434, 2021
Positive technology, computing, and design: shaping a future in which technology promotes psychological well-being
A Gaggioli, G Riva, D Peters, RA Calvo
Emotions and affect in human factors and human-computer interaction, 477-502, 2017
Using different Facebook advertisements to recruit men for an online mental health study: Engagement and selection bias
I Choi, DN Milne, N Glozier, D Peters, SB Harvey, RA Calvo
Internet Interventions 8, 27-34, 2017
“Kiss myAsthma”: Using a participatory design approach to develop a self-management app with young people with asthma
SR Davis, D Peters, RA Calvo, SM Sawyer, JM Foster, L Smith
Journal of Asthma 55 (9), 1018-1027, 2018
Young people’s preferences for an asthma self-management app highlight psychological needs: a participatory study
D Peters, S Davis, RA Calvo, SM Sawyer, L Smith, JM Foster
Journal of medical Internet research 19 (4), e113, 2017
Autonomy in technology design
RA Calvo, D Peters, D Johnson, Y Rogers
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 37-40, 2014
Preventing depression using a smartphone app: a randomized controlled trial
M Deady, N Glozier, R Calvo, D Johnston, A Mackinnon, D Milne, I Choi, ...
Psychological medicine 52 (3), 457-466, 2022
Preliminary effectiveness of a smartphone app to reduce depressive symptoms in the workplace: feasibility and acceptability study
M Deady, D Johnston, D Milne, N Glozier, D Peters, R Calvo, S Harvey
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (12), e11661, 2018
Promoting psychological wellbeing: loftier goals for new technologies [opinion]
RA Calvo, D Peters
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 32 (4), 19-21, 2013
Compassion vs. empathy: designing for resilience
D Peters, R Calvo
interactions 21 (5), 48-53, 2014
Tools for wellbeing-supportive design: Features, characteristics, and prototypes
D Peters, N Ahmadpour, RA Calvo
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 4 (3), 40, 2020
Worker preferences for a mental health app within male-dominated industries: participatory study
D Peters, M Deady, N Glozier, S Harvey, RA Calvo
JMIR mental health 5 (2), e8999, 2018
" Participation is not enough" towards indigenous-led co-design
D Peters, S Hansen, J McMullan, T Ardler, J Mooney, RA Calvo
Proceedings of the 30th Australian conference on computer-human interaction …, 2018
Advancing impact assessment for intelligent systems
RA Calvo, D Peters, S Cave
Nature Machine Intelligence 2 (2), 89-91, 2020
Positive computing: technology for a wiser world
RA Calvo, D Peters
Interactions 19 (4), 28-31, 2012
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Articles 1–20