Masoud Davari
Masoud Davari
Associate Professor in Power Electronics Applications at Georgia Southern University, SM IEEE, ACUE
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Cited by
Robust vector control of a very weak-grid-connected voltage-source converter considering the phase-locked loop dynamics
M Davari, YARI Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (2), 977-994, 2016
Robust multi-objective control of VSC-based DC-voltage power port in hybrid AC/DC multi-terminal micro-grids
M Davari, YARI Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (3), 1597-1612, 2013
Advanced current-limiting and power-sharing control in a PV-based grid-forming inverter under unbalanced grid conditions
S Yazdani, M Ferdowsi, M Davari, P Shamsi
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8 (2 …, 2019
Microgrid protection: an overview of protection strategies in North American microgrid projects
J Shiles, E Wong, S Rao, C Sanden, MA Zamani, M Davari, F Katiraei, 1–5, 2018
Reinforcement learning and non-zero-sum game output regulation for multi-player linear uncertain systems
A Odekunle, W Gao, M Davari, ZP Jiang
Automatica 112, 108672, 2020
Data-driven cooperative output regulation of multi-agent systems via robust adaptive dynamic programming
W Gao, Y Jiang, M Davari
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 66 (3), 447-451, 2018
Dynamics and robust control of a grid-connected VSC in multiterminal DC grids considering the instantaneous power of DC-and AC-side filters and DC grid uncertainty
M Davari, YARI Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (3), 1942-1958, 2015
An enhanced control system for single-phase inverters interfaced with weak and distorted grids
S Silwal, S Taghizadeh, M Karimi-Ghartemani, MJ Hossain, M Davari
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (12), 12538-12551, 2019
Robust DC-link voltage control of a full-scale PMSG wind turbine for effective integration in DC grids
M Davari, YARI Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (5), 4021-4035, 2016
An optimal primary frequency control based on adaptive dynamic programming for islanded modernized microgrids
M Davari, W Gao, ZP Jiang, FL Lewis
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 18 (3), 1109-1121, 2020
Modeling the combination of UPQC and photovoltaic arrays with Multi-Input Single-Output DC-DC converter
M Davari, SM Ale-Emran, H Yazdanpanahi, GB Gharehpetian
2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1-7, 2009
Grid integration of a dual two-level voltage-source inverter considering grid impedance and phase-locked loop
A Aghazadeh, M Davari, H Nafisi, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (1), 401-422, 2019
Robust Droop and DC-Bus Voltage Control for Effective Stabilization and Power Sharing in VSC Multiterminal DC Grids
M Davari, YARI Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 1-27, 2018
A novel more electric aircraft power system rectifier based on a low-rating autotransformer
R Abdollahi, GB Gharehpetian, M Davari
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 8 (1), 649-659, 2021
Variable-structure-based nonlinear control for the master VSC in DC-energy-pool multiterminal grids
M Davari, YARI Mohamed
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (11), 6196-6213, 2014
Adaptive, Optimal, Virtual Synchronous Generator Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters under Different Grid Conditions—An Adaptive Dynamic Programming Approach
Z Wang, Y Yu, W Gao, M Davari, C Deng
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022
Resilient cooperative secondary control of islanded AC microgrids utilizing inverter-based resources against state-dependent false data injection attacks
M Jamali, MS Sadabadi, M Davari, S Sahoo, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 71 (5), 4719-4730, 2023
Internal model power synchronization control of a PV-based voltage-source converter in weak-grid and islanded conditions
S Yazdani, M Davari, M Ferdowsi, P Shamsi
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 12 (2), 1360-1371, 2020
A multivariable controller in synchronous frame integrating phase-locked loop to enhance performance of three-phase grid-connected inverters in weak grids
S Silwal, M Karimi-Ghartemani, H Karimi, M Davari, SMH Zadeh
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (9), 10348-10359, 2022
Hybrid iteration ADP algorithm to solve cooperative, optimal output regulation problem for continuous-time, linear, multiagent systems: Theory and application in islanded …
O Qasem, M Davari, W Gao, DR Kirk, T Chai
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 71 (1), 834-845, 2023
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Articles 1–20