Paul Bonsma
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Cited by
Finding paths between graph colourings: PSPACE-completeness and superpolynomial distances
P Bonsma, L Cereceda
Theoretical Computer Science 410 (50), 5215-5226, 2009
Edge-cuts leaving components of order at least three
P Bonsma, N Ueffing, L Volkmann
Discrete mathematics 256 (1-2), 431-439, 2002
A constant-factor approximation algorithm for unsplittable flow on paths
P Bonsma, J Schulz, A Wiese
SIAM journal on computing 43 (2), 767-799, 2014
Tight lower and upper bounds for the complexity of canonical colour refinement
C Berkholz, P Bonsma, M Grohe
Theory of Computing Systems 60, 581-614, 2017
Reconfiguring independent sets in claw-free graphs
P Bonsma, M Kamiński, M Wrochna
Algorithm Theory–SWAT 2014: 14th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops …, 2014
The complexity of rerouting shortest paths
P Bonsma
Theoretical computer science 510, 1-12, 2013
A faster FPT algorithm for finding spanning trees with many leaves
PS Bonsma, T Brueggemann, GJ Woeginger
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2003: 28th International …, 2003
The complexity of the matching‐cut problem for planar graphs and other graph classes
P Bonsma
Journal of Graph Theory 62 (2), 109-126, 2009
The complexity of bounded length graph recoloring and CSP reconfiguration
P Bonsma, AE Mouawad, N Nishimura, V Raman
International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, 110-121, 2014
Complexity results on restricted instances of a paint shop problem for words
P Bonsma, T Epping, W Hochstättler
Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (9), 1335-1343, 2006
Spanning trees with many leaves in graphs without diamonds and blossoms
P Bonsma, F Zickfeld
LATIN 2008: Theoretical Informatics: 8th Latin American Symposium, Búzios …, 2008
The fine details of fast dynamic programming over tree decompositions
HL Bodlaender, P Bonsma, D Lokshtanov
Parameterized and Exact Computation: 8th International Symposium, IPEC 2013 …, 2013
Independent set reconfiguration in cographs and their generalizations
P Bonsma
Journal of Graph Theory 83 (2), 164-195, 2016
A 3/2-approximation algorithm for finding spanning trees with many leaves in cubic graphs
P Bonsma, F Zickfeld
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 25 (4), 1652-1666, 2011
Tight bounds and a fast FPT algorithm for Directed Max-Leaf Spanning Tree
P Bonsma, F Dorn
European Symposium on Algorithms, 222-233, 2008
The complexity of rerouting shortest paths
P Bonsma
International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 222-233, 2012
Max-leaves spanning tree is APX-hard for cubic graphs
P Bonsma
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 12, 14-23, 2012
Spanning trees with many leaves in graphs with minimum degree three
PS Bonsma
SIAM journal on discrete mathematics 22 (3), 920-937, 2008
Independent set reconfiguration in cographs
P Bonsma
International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 105-116, 2014
Rerouting shortest paths in planar graphs
P Bonsma
arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.5613, 2012
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Articles 1–20