F. Javier Sese
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Cited by
Using clickers in class. The role of interactivity, active collaborative learning and engagement in learning performance
L Blasco-Arcas, I Buil, B Hernández-Ortega, FJ Sese
Computers & Education 62, 102-110, 2013
Recasting the customer experience in today’s omni-channel environment
I Melero, FJ Sese, PC Verhoef
Universia Business Review, 18-37, 2016
The role of social motivations in e-learning: How do they affect usage and success of ICT interactive tools?
B Hernandez, T Montaner, FJ Sese, P Urquizu
Computers in human behavior 27 (6), 2224-2232, 2011
Management for sustainable development and its impact on firm value in the SME context: Does size matter?
ME López‐Pérez, I Melero, F Javier Sese
Business Strategy and the Environment 26 (7), 985-999, 2017
Managing complaints to improve customer profitability
J Cambra-Fierro, I Melero, FJ Sese
Journal of Retailing 91 (1), 109-124, 2015
The impact of customer relationship characteristics on customer switching behavior: Differences between switchers and stayers
JPM Lopez, YP Redondo, F Olivan, J Sese
Managing Service Quality 16 (6), 556-574, 2006
Can complaint-handling efforts promote customer engagement?
J Cambra-Fierro, I Melero-Polo, F Javier Sese
Service Business 10, 847-866, 2016
Multichannel integration along the customer journey: a systematic review and research agenda
L Gao, I Melero, FJ Sese
The Service Industries Journal 40 (15-16), 1087-1118, 2020
Customer value co-creation over the relationship life cycle
J Cambra-Fierro, I Melero-Polo, FJ Sese
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 28 (3), 336-355, 2018
Reducing the level of switching costs in mobile communications: The case of mobile number portability
JP Maicas, Y Polo, FJ Sese
Telecommunications Policy 33 (9), 544-554, 2009
Customer equity drivers, customer experience quality, and customer profitability in banking services: The moderating role of social influence
L Gao, I Melero-Polo, FJ Sese
Journal of Service Research 23 (2), 174-193, 2020
How to make switching costly: The role of marketing and relationship characteristics
Y Polo, FJ Sesé
Journal of Service Research 12 (2), 119-137, 2009
Los foros de discusión y sus beneficios en la docencia virtual: recomendaciones para un uso eficiente
I Buil, B Hernández, FJ Sesé, P Urquizu
Innovar 22 (43), 131-144, 2012
The role of (personal) network effects and switching costs in determining mobile users’ choice
JP Maicas, Y Polo, FJ Sese
Journal of Information Technology 24 (2), 160-171, 2009
Unlocking the power of marketing: Understanding the links between customer mindset metrics, behavior, and profitability
JA Petersen, V Kumar, Y Polo, FJ Sese
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46, 813-836, 2018
The effect of pricing and advertising on customer retention in a liberalizing market
Y Polo, FJ Sese, PC Verhoef
Journal of Interactive Marketing 25 (4), 201-214, 2011
Does specific CSR training for managers impact shareholder value? Implications for education in sustainable development
ME López‐Pérez, I Melero, F Javier Sesé
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 24 (5), 435-448, 2017
Does the nature of the interaction matter? Understanding customer channel choice for purchases and communications
Y Polo, FJ Sese
Journal of Service Research 19 (3), 276-290, 2016
What drives consumers’ active participation in the online channel? Customer equity, experience quality, and relationship proneness
J Cambra-Fierro, LX Gao, I Melero-Polo, FJ Sese
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 35, 100855, 2019
Are multichannel customers really more valuable? An analysis of banking services
J Cambra-Fierro, WA Kamakura, I Melero-Polo, FJ Sese
International Journal of Research in Marketing 33 (1), 208-212, 2016
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Articles 1–20