Jean Vroomen
Cited by
Cited by
The perception of emotions by ear and by eye
B De Gelder, J Vroomen
Cognition & Emotion 14 (3), 289-311, 2000
Non-conscious recognition of affect in the absence of striate cortex
B De Gelder, J Vroomen, G Pourtois, L Weiskrantz
Neuroreport 10 (18), 3759-3763, 1999
Sound enhances visual perception: cross-modal effects of auditory organization on vision.
J Vroomen, B Gelder
Journal of experimental psychology: Human perception and performance 26 (5 …, 2000
Perception of intersensory synchrony: a tutorial review
J Vroomen, M Keetels
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72 (4), 871-884, 2010
Recalibration of temporal order perception by exposure to audio-visual asynchrony
J Vroomen, M Keetels, B De Gelder, P Bertelson
Cognitive brain research 22 (1), 32-35, 2004
Neural correlates of multisensory integration of ecologically valid audiovisual events
JJ Stekelenburg, J Vroomen
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 19 (12), 1964-1973, 2007
The ventriloquist effect does not depend on the direction of deliberate visual attention
P Bertelson, J Vroomen, B De Gelder, J Driver
Perception & psychophysics 62 (2), 321-332, 2000
Face recognition and lip-reading in autism
B Gelder, J Vroomen, L Van der Heide
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 3 (1), 69-86, 1991
Visual recalibration of auditory speech identification: A McGurk aftereffect
P Bertelson, J Vroomen, B De Gelder
Psychological science 14 (6), 592-597, 2003
Intersensory binding across space and time: a tutorial review
L Chen, J Vroomen
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 75, 790-811, 2013
The ventriloquist effect does not depend on the direction of automatic visual attention
J Vroomen, P Bertelson, B De Gelder
Perception & psychophysics 63 (4), 651-659, 2001
The combined perception of emotion from voice and face: early interaction revealed by human electric brain responses
B de Gelder, KBE Böcker, J Tuomainen, M Hensen, J Vroomen
Neuroscience letters 260 (2), 133-136, 1999
The time-course of intermodal binding between seeing and hearing affective information
G Pourtois, B De Gelder, J Vroomen, B Rossion, M Crommelinck
Neuroreport 11 (6), 1329-1333, 2000
Metrical segmentation and lexical inhibition in spoken word recognition.
J Vroomen, B De Gelder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 21 (1), 98, 1995
The roles of word stress and vowel harmony in speech segmentation
J Vroomen, J Tuomainen, B de Gelder
Journal of Memory and Language 38 (2), 133-149, 1998
Temporal ventriloquism: sound modulates the flash-lag effect.
J Vroomen, B de Gelder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 30 (3), 513, 2004
Is cross-modal integration of emotional expressions independent of attentional resources?
J Vroomen, J Driver, BD Gelder
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 1 (4), 382-387, 2001
Visual anticipatory information modulates multisensory interactions of artificial audiovisual stimuli
J Vroomen, JJ Stekelenburg
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (7), 1583-1596, 2010
Audio-visual integration in schizophrenia
B de Gelder, J Vroomen, L Annen, E Masthof, P Hodiamont
Schizophrenia research 59 (2-3), 211-218, 2003
Multisensory integration of emotional faces and voices in schizophrenics
B de Gelder, J Vroomen, SJ de Jong, ED Masthoff, FJ Trompenaars, ...
Schizophrenia research 72 (2-3), 195-203, 2005
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