Nikos Armenatzoglou
Nikos Armenatzoglou
Other namesNikolaos Armenatzoglou
Amazon Web Services, USA
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Cited by
A general framework for geo-social query processing
N Armenatzoglou, S Papadopoulos, D Papadias
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (10), 913-924, 2013
Amazon Redshift re-invented
N Armenatzoglou, S Basu, N Bhanoori, M Cai, N Chainani, K Chinta, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data, 2205 …, 2022
Real-time multi-criteria social graph partitioning: A game theoretic approach
N Armenatzoglou, H Pham, V Ntranos, D Papadias, C Shahabi
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2015
Geo-social keyword search
R Ahuja, N Armenatzoglou, D Papadias, GJ Fakas
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 14th International Symposium …, 2015
Geo-social ranking: functions and query processing
N Armenatzoglou, R Ahuja, D Papadias
The VLDB Journal 24, 783-799, 2015
FleXplorer: A framework for providing faceted and dynamic taxonomy-based information exploration
Y Tzitzikas, N Armenatzoglou, P Papadakos
2008 19th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2008
Exploratory web searching with dynamic taxonomies and results clustering
P Papadakos, S Kopidaki, N Armenatzoglou, Y Tzitzikas
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 13th European …, 2009
On exploiting static and dynamically mined metadata for exploratory web searching
P Papadakos, N Armenatzoglou, S Kopidaki, Y Tzitzikas
Knowledge and information systems 30, 493-525, 2012
Mitos: Design and evaluation of a dbms-based web search engine
P Papadakos, Y Theoharis, Y Marketakis, N Armenatzoglou, Y Tzitzikas
2008 Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 49-53, 2008
The anatomy of mitos web search engine
P Papadakos, G Vasiliadis, Y Theoharis, N Armenatzoglou, S Kopidaki, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0803.2220, 2008
FleXConf: A flexible conference assistant using context-aware notification services
N Armenatzoglou, Y Marketakis, L Kriara, E Apostolopoulos, ...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009 Workshops: Confederated …, 2009
The anatomy of Mitos web search engine. CoRR
P Papadakos, G Vasiliadis, Y Theoharis, N Armenatzoglou, S Kopidaki, ...
Information Retrieval, abs/0803.2220. CoRR Technical Report (March 2008), 2008
Object-relational database representations for text indexing
P Papadakos, Y Theoharis, Y Marketakis, N Armenatzoglou, Y Tzitzikas
arXiv preprint arXiv:0906.3112, 2009
Amazon Redshi Re-invented
N Armenatzoglou, S Basu, N Bhanoori, M Cai, N Chainani, K Chinta, ...
Finding Top-Places for Group Social Activities
X Feng, N Armenatzoglou, H Xu, X Zhao, P Hui
Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 191-203, 2016
Exploratory Web Searching with Dynamic Taxonomies and Results Clustering
Y Tzitzikas, N Armenatzoglou, S Kopidaki, P Papadakos
Knowledge Organization Systems, 2009
E cient Faceted Exploration Services for Big Volumes of Information
N Armenatzoglou
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Articles 1–17