Marc Herrlich
Marc Herrlich
Senior Researcher @DFKI, IML
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Cited by
Addictive features of social media/messenger platforms and freemium games against the background of psychological and economic theories
C Montag, B Lachmann, M Herrlich, K Zweig
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (14), 2612, 2019
Motion-based games for Parkinson’s disease patients
O Assad, R Hermann, D Lilla, B Mellies, R Meyer, L Shevach, S Siegel, ...
Entertainment Computing–ICEC 2011: 10th International Conference, ICEC 2011 …, 2011
Classification of player roles in the team-based multi-player game dota 2
C Eggert, M Herrlich, J Smeddinck, R Malaka
Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2015: 14th International Conference, ICEC 2015 …, 2015
Exergames for physiotherapy and rehabilitation: a medium-term situated study of motivational aspects and impact on functional reach
JD Smeddinck, M Herrlich, R Malaka
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
Adaptive difficulty in exergames for Parkinson's disease patients.
JD Smeddinck, S Siegel, M Herrlich
Graphics Interface, 141-148, 2013
Using game engines for visualization in scientific applications
KI Friese, M Herrlich, FE Wolter
Entertainment Computing Symposium, 11-22, 2008
Virtual reality for user-centered design and evaluation of touch-free interaction techniques for navigating medical images in the operating room
AV Reinschluessel, J Teuber, M Herrlich, J Bissel, M van Eikeren, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
A tool for landscape architecture based on computer game technology
M Herrlich
17th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT …, 2007
Instrument-mounted displays for reducing cognitive load during surgical navigation
M Herrlich, P Tavakol, D Black, D Wenig, C Rieder, R Malaka, R Kikinis
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 12, 1599-1605, 2017
The influence of music on player performance in exergames for parkinson’s patients
D Lilla, M Herrlich, R Malaka, D Krannich
Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2012: 11th International Conference, ICEC 2012 …, 2012
Dragimation: direct manipulation keyframe timing for performance-based animation
B Walther-Franks, M Herrlich, T Karrer, M Wittenhagen, R Schröder-Kroll, ...
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2012, 101-108, 2012
User detection for a multi-touch table via proximity sensors
B Walther-Franks, L Schwarten, J Teichert, M Krause, M Herrlich
IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces, 2008
The Personal Reader: A Framework for Enabling Personalization Services on the Semantic Web.
N Henze, M Herrlich
LWA, 25-32, 2004
A multi-touch system for 3D modelling and animation
B Walther-Franks, M Herrlich, R Malaka
Smart Graphics: 11th International Symposium, SG 2011, Bremen, Germany, July …, 2011
Development of a virtual electric wheelchair–simulation and assessment of physical fidelity using the unreal engine 3
M Herrlich, R Meyer, R Malaka, H Heck
Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2010: 9th International Conference, ICEC 2010 …, 2010
Integrated rotation and translation for 3D manipulation on multi-touch interactive surfaces
M Herrlich, B Walther-Franks, R Malaka
Smart Graphics: 11th International Symposium, SG 2011, Bremen, Germany, July …, 2011
Design lessons from mainstream motion-based games for exergames for older adults
A Barenbrock, M Herrlich, R Malaka
2014 IEEE Games Media Entertainment, 1-8, 2014
Strong and loose cooperation in exergames for older adults with parkinson s disease
R Hermann, M Herrlich, D Wenig, J Smeddinck, R Malaka
Mensch & Computer 2013-Workshopband, 249-254, 2013
Work hard, play hard: How linking rewards in games to prior exercise performance improves motivation and exercise intensity
JD Smeddinck, M Herrlich, X Wang, G Zhang, R Malaka
Entertainment Computing 29, 20-30, 2019
Development and Validation of a German Version of the Player Experience Inventory (PXI)
L Graf, M Altmeyer, K Emmerich, M Herrlich, A Krekhov, K Spiel
Proceedings of Mensch und computer 2022, 265-275, 2022
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Articles 1–20