Natália Kovácsová
Natália Kovácsová
Marie Curie Research Fellow, Delft University of Technology
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Cited by
Aggression on the road: Relationships between dysfunctional impulsivity, forgiveness, negative emotions, and aggressive driving
N Kovácsová, T Lajunen, E Rošková
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 42, 286-298, 2016
Forgivingness, anger, and hostility in aggressive driving
N Kovácsová, E Rošková, T Lajunen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 62, 303-308, 2014
Riding performance on a conventional bicycle and a pedelec in low speed exercises: Objective and subjective evaluation of middle-aged and older persons
N Kovacsova, JCF de Winter, AL Schwab, M Christoph, DAM Twisk, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 42, 28-43, 2016
Emergency braking at intersections: A motion-base motorcycle simulator study
N Kovácsová, M Grottoli, F Celiberti, Y Lemmens, R Happee, ...
Applied ergonomics 82, 102970, 2020
Cyclists’ eye movements and crossing judgments at uncontrolled intersections: An eye-tracking study using animated video clips
N Kovacsova, CDD Cabrall, SJ Antonisse, T De Haan, R Van Namen, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 120, 270-280, 2018
What will the car driver do? A video-based questionnaire study on cyclists' anticipation during safety-critical situations
N Kovácsová, JCF de Winter, MP Hagenzieker
Journal of safety research 69, 11-21, 2019
PC-based hazard anticipation training for experienced cyclists: Design and evaluation
N Kovácsová, WP Vlakveld, JCF de Winter, MP Hagenzieker
Safety science 123, 104561, 2020
How science informs engineering, education, and enforcement: a message for driving instructors
JCF De Winter, N Kovácsová
Handbook of Teen and Novice Drivers. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca …, 2016
Cycling Skill Inventory: Assessment of motor–tactical skills and safety motives
JCF de Winter, N Kovácsová, MP Hagenzieker
Traffic injury prevention 20 (sup3), 3-9, 2019
Some predictors of aggressive behavior in road transport
E Roskova, N Kovacsova
Ceskoslovenska Psychologie 56 (3), 241-252, 2012
Object-alignment performance in a head-mounted display versus a monitor
P Bazilinskyy, N Kovácsová, A Al Jawahiri, P Kapel, J Mulckhuyse, ...
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
A literature review on Human Factors research using motorcycle simulators
N Kovácsová, M Di Gesu, AL Schwab, A Toso, M Gubitosa, ...
In: Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference (DSC) 2015 Edition, 16 …, 2015
A literature review on human factors research using motorcycle simulators (poster)
N Kovacsova, M Di Gesu, AL Schwab, M Gubitosa, MP Hagenzieker, ...
TU Delft, 2015
Factors contributing to pedelec crashes in the Netherlands
N Kovácsová, JCF De Winter, AL Schwab, MP Hagenzieker
ICSC 2014: International Cycling Safety Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 18-19 …, 2014
Cyclists’ hazard anticipation and performance
N Kovacsova
Development and evaluation of a PC-based hazard anticipation training for cyclists
WP Vlakveld, J de Winter, M Hagenzieker
ICSC 2018: 7th International Cycling Safety Conference, 2018
Cyclists’ predictions of what a car driver will do next at intersections
N Kovácsová, JCF de Winter, MP Hagenzieker
Riding performance on a conventional bicycle and an e-bike during three low-speed exercises: Comparing middle-aged with older cyclists
N Kovácsová, JCF de Winter, AL Schwab, M Christoph, DAM Twisk, ...
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Articles 1–18