Muhammad Adeel Zaffar
Muhammad Adeel Zaffar
Associate Professor, LUMS; Associate Editor, Decision Support Systems
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Inclusive leadership and innovative work behavior: The role of psychological empowerment
B Javed, I Abdullah, MA Zaffar, A ul Haque, U Rubab
Journal of Management & Organization 25 (4), 554-571, 2019
Coverage, survivability or response time: A comparative study of performance statistics used in ambulance location models via simulation–optimization
MA Zaffar, HK Rajagopalan, C Saydam, M Mayorga, E Sharer
Operations research for health care 11, 1-12, 2016
Seeing is believing: Exploring perceptual differences in deepfake videos
R Tahir, B Batool, H Jamshed, M Jameel, M Anwar, F Ahmed, MA Zaffar, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Using Agent‐Based Modelling to Investigate Diffusion of Mobile‐Based Branchless Banking Services in a Developing Country
MA Zaffar, R Kumar, K Zhao
Decision Support Systems 117, 62-74, 0
Fake news on Facebook: examining the impact of heuristic cues on perceived credibility and sharing intention
K Ali, C Li, K Zain-ul-abdin, MA Zaffar
Internet Research 32 (1), 379-397, 2022
Diffusion dynamics of open source software: An agent-based computational economics (ACE) approach
MA Zaffar, RL Kumar, K Zhao
Decision support systems 51 (3), 597-608, 2011
Moving beyond the mechanistic structures: The role of inclusive leadership in developing change‐oriented organizational citizenship behaviour
A Younas, D Wang, B Javed, MA Zaffar
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2021
Positive psychological states and employee creativity: The role of ethical leadership
A Younas, D Wang, B Javed, MYA Rawwas, I Abdullah, MA Zaffar
The Journal of Creative Behavior 54 (3), 567-581, 2020
An agent based modeling approach for determining optimal price-rebate schemes
M Khouja, M Hadzikadic, MA Zaffar
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16 (1), 111-126, 2008
Impact of interorganizational relationships on technology diffusion: An agent-based simulation modeling approach
MA Zaffar, RL Kumar, K Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 61 (1), 68-79, 2013
Task-based evaluation of skin detection for communication and perceptual interfaces
SJ Schmugge, MA Zaffar, LV Tsap, MC Shin
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 18 (6), 487-495, 2007
Improving security awareness in the government sector
HAR Amjad, U Naeem, MA Zaffar, MF Zaffar, KKR Choo
Proceedings of the 17th International Digital Government Research Conference …, 2016
Finding Needle in the Case-Stack: Effective Remote Monitoring of Courts
A Rahman, H Nawaz, O Naeem, F Zaffar, F Naseer, A Zaffar
47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2014, 1906 …, 2014
Multimodal logistics in disaster relief
S Tariq, MN Jalil, MA Zaffar
The Palgrave handbook of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management …, 2018
Decision-tree inspired classification algorithm to detect Tuberculosis (TB)
SF Hussainy, F Zaffar, MA Zaffar, A Khaliq, IH Khan, R Ahmad
Diffusion Dynamics of Open-Source Software in the Presence of Upgrades: An Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE) Approach
MA Zaffar, RL Kumar, K Zhao
How Does The Use of Instant Messaging Impact Performance?
H Ajjan, Y Niu, MA Zaffar, SJ Winter
Southeast Decision Sciences Institute 38th Annual Conference, 2008
Minding the IS soft skills gap: evidence of discourse convergence and organizational field structure
MA Zaffar, SJ Winter
It's About Time: A Study of Rheumatology Patient Consultation Times
R Khan, SK Imami, SEA Khan, S Batool, F Naeem, MA Zaffar
Cureus 15 (10), 2023
Who's holding the bag? Accountability in the criminal justice system.
UR Khan, S Farooqi, U Naeem, MA Zaffar, F Zaffar
AMCIS, 2015
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20