Andres Musalem
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Cited by
Structural estimation of the effect of out-of-stocks
A Musalem, M Olivares, ET Bradlow, C Terwiesch, D Corsten
Management Science 56 (7), 1180-1197, 2010
Measuring the effect of queues on customer purchases
Y Lu, A Musalem, M Olivares, A Schilkrut
Management Science 59 (8), 1743-1763, 2013
Eye tracking reveals processes that enable conjoint choices to become increasingly efficient with practice
M Meißner, A Musalem, J Huber
Journal of Marketing Research 53 (1), 1-17, 2016
How Much Should You Invest in Each Customer Relationship? A Competitive Strategic Approach
A Musalem, YV Joshi
Marketing Science 28 (3), 555-565, 2009
Bayesian estimation of random‐coefficients choice models using aggregate data
A Musalem, ET Bradlow, JS Raju
Journal of Applied Econometrics 24 (3), 490-516, 2009
Who's got the coupon? Estimating consumer preferences and coupon usage from aggregate information
A Musalem, ET Bradlow, JS Raju
Journal of Marketing Research 45 (6), 715-730, 2008
Retail in High Definition: Monitoring customer assistance through video analytics
A Musalem, M Olivares, A Schilkrut
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020
Structural models of complementary choices
S Berry, A Khwaja, V Kumar, A Musalem, KC Wilbur, G Allenby, B Anand, ...
Marketing Letters 25 (3), 245-256, 2014
When Consumers Learn, Money Burns: Signaling Quality Via Advertising With Observational Learning And Word Of Mouth
YV Joshi, A Musalem
Money Burns: Signaling Quality Via Advertising With Observational Learning …, 2020
Wine pricing: The influence of country of origin, variety, and wine magazine ratings
L Arias-Bolzmann, O Sak, A Musalem, L Lodish, R Báez K, ...
International Journal of Wine Marketing 15 (2), 47-57, 2003
Market basket analysis insights to support category management
A Musalem, L Aburto, M Bosch
European Journal of Marketing 52 (7/8), 1550-1573, 2018
The Past, Present, and Future of Retail Analytics: Insights from a Survey of Academic Research and Interviews with Practitioners
RP Rooderkerk, N DeHoratius, A Musalem
Production and Operations Management, 2022
Lockdowns Lose One Third of Their Impact on Mobility in a Month
Y Joshi, A Musalem
Scientific Reports 11, 2021
Balancing agent retention and waiting time in service platforms
A Musalem, M Olivares, D Yung
Operations Research, 2023
A Review of Choice Modeling in the Marketing-Operations Management Interface
A Musalem, M Olivares, S Borle, H Che, CT Conlon, K Girotra, S Gupta, ...
Earthquakes and Brand Loyalty: Beyond the Short-Term Effects of Stockouts
C Figueroa, A Musalem, C Noton
Available at SSRN 3325923, 2019
When demand projections are too optimistic: A structural model of product line and pricing decisions
A Musalem
An empirical study of customer spillover learning about service quality
A Musalem, Y Shang, JSJ Song
Available at SSRN 2811774, 2017
Balancing agent retention and waiting time in service platforms
M Olivares, A Musalem, D Yung
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 295-313, 2020
Components of Effort for Repeated Tasks
A Musalem, R Montoya, M Meißner, JC Huber
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2020
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Articles 1–20