Hooman Parvardeh
Hooman Parvardeh
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Automated crack detection on concrete bridges
P Prasanna, KJ Dana, N Gucunski, BB Basily, HM La, RS Lim, ...
IEEE Transactions on automation science and engineering 13 (2), 591-599, 2014
Mechatronic systems design for an autonomous robotic system for high-efficiency bridge deck inspection and evaluation
HM La, RS Lim, BB Basily, N Gucunski, J Yi, A Maher, FA Romero, ...
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 18 (6), 1655-1664, 2013
Autonomous robotic system for high-efficiency non-destructive bridge deck inspection and evaluation
HM La, RS Lim, B Basily, N Gucunski, J Yi, A Maher, FA Romero, ...
2013 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2013
Comprehensive bridge deck deterioration mapping of nine bridges by nondestructive evaluation technologies.
N Gucunski, F Romero, S Kruschwitz, R Feldmann, H Parvardeh
Iowa. Dept. of Transportation, 2011
Robotic platform rabit for condition assessment of concrete bridge decks using multiple nde technologies
N Gucunski, A Maher, B Basily, H La, R Lim, H Parvardeh, SH Kee
HDKBR INFO Magazin 3 (4), 5-12, 2013
Nondestructive evaluation inspection of the Arlington Memorial Bridge using a robotic assisted bridge inspection tool (RABIT)
N Gucunski, SD Boone, R Zobel, H Ghasemi, H Parvardeh, SH Kee
Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace …, 2014
Concrete bridge deck early problem detection and mitigation using robotics
N Gucunski, J Yi, B Basily, T Duong, J Kim, P Balaguru, H Parvardeh, ...
Structural Health Monitoring and Inspection of Advanced Materials, Aerospace …, 2015
Multi nde technology condition assessment of concrete bridge decks by rabittm platform
N Gucunski, B Basily, SH Kee, H La, H Parvardeh, A Maher, H Ghasemi
NDE/NDT for Structural Materials Technology for Highway & Bridges, 161-168, 2014
Condition assessment of bridge deck using various nondestructive evaluation (nde) technologies
N Gucunski, H Parvardeh
LTBP 5, 1-7, 2015
Life cycle assessment framework for the US bridge inventory
S Babanajad, Y Bai, H Wenzel, M Wenzel, H Parvardeh, A Rezvani, ...
Transportation research record 2672 (12), 82-92, 2018
Comprehensive condition assessment of bridge decks by multimodal NDE
N Gucunski, R Feldmann, F Romero, S Kruschwitz, H Parvardeh
Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace …, 2010
A penalized-likelihood approach to characterizing bridge-related crashes in New Jersey
M Jalayer, M Pour-Rouholamin, D Patel, S Das, H Parvardeh
Traffic injury prevention 22 (1), 63-67, 2021
Detecting anomalies in National Bridge Inventory databases using machine learning methods
E Fereshtehnejad, G Gazzola, P Parekh, C Nakrani, H Parvardeh
Transportation research record 2676 (6), 453-467, 2022
The Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program Bridge Portal
H Parvardeh, S Babanajad, H Ghasemi, A Maher, N Gucunski, R Zobel
Proceedings of the International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure …, 2016
Comparative Study of Multiple NDT Technologies from the Surveys on a Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck and Prefabricated Slab
H Parvardeh, BM Pailes, FA Romero, FA Fetrat
Structural Materials Technology 2012, 267-275, 2012
Enhanced Maritime Asset Management System (MAMS)
Y Bai, Z Bian, Z Huang, H Qin, H Parvardeh, B Intelligence
Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, 2022
Development of Vehicle Fleet Mix Forecast Models for Life Cycle Cost Forecast for Tunnel Ventilation Systems
W Guo, MA Jafari, G Eskandani, S Guo, H Parvardeh
Rutgers University. Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, 2020
Profiling structurally deficient bridges in the United States: Sampling bridge performance data for qualitative trends
M Battista, M Arafa, H Najm, H Parvardeh, P Jin, R Vasconez
Bridge Structures 12 (3-4), 55-72, 2017
Examination of Single-and Multi-Channel GPR Bridge Deck Condition Assessment Methods with Comparison to Complementary NDE Results
FA Romero, G Manacorda, A Simi, N Gucunski, H Parvardeh
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13758, 2013
Delamination Detection in Octagonal Prestressed Concrete Piles Using Impact Echo
SH Kee, H Parvardeh, N Gucunski, FA Romero
Structural Materials Technology 2012, 154-161, 2012
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Articles 1–20