Jun-Ho Lee
Jun-Ho Lee
Associate Professor, School of Business, Chungnam National University
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Cited by
Noncyclic scheduling of cluster tools with a branch and bound algorithm
HJ Kim, JH Lee, TE Lee
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 12 (2), 690-700, 2013
Scheduling cluster tools with ready time constraints for consecutive small lots
HJ Kim, JH Lee, C Jung, TE Lee
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (1), 145-159, 2012
Scheduling cluster tools for concurrent processing of two wafer types
JH Lee, HJ Kim, TE Lee
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 11 (2), 525-536, 2014
Scheduling lot switching operations for cluster tools
JH Lee, HJ Kim, TE Lee
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 26 (4), 592-601, 2013
Reinforcement learning for robotic flow shop scheduling with processing time variations
JH Lee, HJ Kim
International journal of production research 60 (7), 2346-2368, 2022
Scheduling cluster tools for concurrent processing of two wafer types with PM sharing
JH Lee, HJ Kim, TE Lee
International Journal of Production Research 53 (19), 6007-6022, 2015
Time-feasible reachability tree for noncyclic scheduling of timed Petri nets
HJ Kim, JH Lee, TE Lee
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 12 (3), 1007-1016, 2014
Makespan analysis of lot switching period in cluster tools
JH Lee, HJ Kim
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 29 (2), 127-136, 2016
Scheduling dual-armed cluster tools with cleaning processes
H Kim, HJ Kim, JH Lee, TE Lee
International Journal of Production Research 51 (12), 3671-3687, 2013
Closed-form expressions on lot completion time for dual-armed cluster tools with parallel processing modules
HJ Kim, JH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16 (2), 898-907, 2018
Schedulability analysis for noncyclic operation of time-constrained cluster tools with time variation
HJ Kim, JH Lee, TE Lee
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 13 (3), 1409-1414, 2016
Scheduling uniform parallel dedicated machines with job splitting, sequence-dependent setup times, and multiple servers
HJ Kim, JH Lee
Computers & Operations Research 126, 105115, 2021
Analysis, design, and control of Bernoulli production lines with waiting time constraints
JH Lee, C Zhao, J Li, CT Papadopoulos
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46, 208-220, 2018
Non-cyclic scheduling of a wet station
HJ Kim, JH Lee, TE Lee
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 11 (4), 1262-1274, 2013
Uniform parallel machine scheduling with dedicated machines, job splitting and setup resources
JH Lee, H Jang
Sustainability 11 (24), 7137, 2019
Scheduling transient periods of dual-armed cluster tools
JH Lee, HJ Kim, TE Lee
2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 1569-1574, 2012
Completion time analysis of wafer lots in single-armed cluster tools with parallel processing modules
JH Lee, HJ Kim
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 14 (4), 1622-1633, 2017
Three-machine flow shop scheduling with overlapping waiting time constraints
HJ Kim, JH Lee
Computers & Operations Research 101, 93-102, 2019
Scheduling in-line multiple cluster tools
HJ Kim, JH Lee, S Baik, TE Lee
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 28 (2), 171-179, 2015
Performance evaluation of flow lines with non-identical and unreliable parallel machines and finite buffers
A Diamantidis, JH Lee, CT Papadopoulos, J Li, C Heavey
International Journal of Production Research 58 (13), 3881-3904, 2020
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Articles 1–20