Felipe Urbina Parada
Felipe Urbina Parada
Universidad Mayor
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Gas–liquid equilibrium modeling of mixtures containing supercritical carbon dioxide and an ionic liquid
JO Valderrama, F Urbina, CA Faundez
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 64, 32-38, 2012
Early successional patterns of bacterial communities in soil microcosms reveal changes in bacterial community composition and network architecture, depending on the …
G Rodríguez-Valdecantos, M Manzano, R Sánchez, F Urbina, MB Hengst, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 120, 44-54, 2017
Shear transformation zones structure characterization in Cu50Zr50 metallic glasses under tensile test
N Amigo, F Urbina, F Valencia
Computational Materials Science 184, 109941, 2020
Stable and unstable trajectories in a dipolar chain
J Cisternas, P Mellado, F Urbina, C Portilla, M Carrasco, A Concha
Physical Review B 103 (13), 134443, 2021
Master equation approach to reversible and conservative discrete systems
F Urbina, S Rica
Physical Review E 94 (6), 062140, 2016
Phase space classification of an Ising cellular automaton: The Q2R model
M Montalva-Medel, S Rica, F Urbina
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 133, 109618, 2020
Vapor-liquid equilibrium in low pressure water+ congener mixtures
CA Faúndez, FA Urbina, JO Valderrama
Korean journal of chemical engineering 26, 1373-1378, 2009
Sequential epidemic-like spread between agglomerates of self-propelled agents in one dimension
P de Castro, F Urbina, A Norambuena, F Guzmán-Lastra
Physical Review E 108 (4), 044104, 2023
Phase diagram in a one-dimensional civil disorder model
I Ormazábal, F Urbina, FA Borotto, HF Astudillo
Physical Review E 105 (5), 054110, 2022
A decentralized route to the origins of scaling in human language
F Urbina, J Vera
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019 (9), 093401, 2019
Coarse-Graining and Master Equation in a Reversible and Conservative System
F Urbina, S Rica, E Tirapegui
Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 199, 2015
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium in a reversible and conservative cellular automaton
F Urbina
Formation of vocabularies in a decentralized graph-based approach to human language
J Vera, F Urbina, W Palma
Physical Review E 103 (2), 022129, 2021
Equilibrium and nonequilibrium in the three-dimensional Q2R cellular automata
F Urbina
Physical Review E 101 (1), 012111, 2020
The Backbone of the financial interaction network using a maximum entropy distribution
MA Valle, F Urbina
Advances in Complex Systems 25 (04), 2250006, 2022
Modeling the decentralized optimization of communicative energy
J Vera, F Urbina
Europhysics Letters 131 (6), 68002, 2020
Around the Ising Model
F Mora, F Urbina, V Cortez, S Rica
Procceding of the Dynamics Days South­America, Springer, 2016
Order-disorder on cluster dynamics in the Q2R-Potts cellular automaton
J Tortella, F Urbina, F Borotto
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2024 (5), 053203, 2024
The minimal representation of a system with interacting units using Boltzmann machines
MA Valle, F Urbina
Proceedings of the 2022 European Symposium on Software Engineering, 98-103, 2022
Frequency dynamics of a chain of magnetized rotors: Dumbbell model vs Landau-Lifshitz equation
F Urbina, AF Franco, A Concha
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2022
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Articles 1–20