Silviu Maniu
Silviu Maniu
Professor of Computer Science, LIG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
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Online influence maximization
S Lei, S Maniu, L Mo, R Cheng, P Senellart
Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2015
Discovering meta-paths in large heterogeneous information networks
C Meng, R Cheng, S Maniu, P Senellart, W Zhang
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on world wide web, 754-764, 2015
Data stream analysis: Foundations, major tasks and tools
M Bahri, A Bifet, J Gama, HM Gomes, S Maniu
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 11 (3 …, 2021
Building a signed network from interactions in Wikipedia
S Maniu, B Cautis, T Abdessalem
Databases and Social Networks, 19-24, 2011
Provsql: Provenance and probability management in postgresql
P Senellart, L Jachiet, S Maniu, Y Ramusat
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 11 (12), 2034-2037, 2018
An experimental study of the treewidth of real-world graph data
S Maniu, P Senellart, S Jog
ICDT 2019–22nd International Conference on Database Theory, 18, 2019
On optimality of jury selection in crowdsourcing
Y Zheng, R Cheng, S Maniu, L Mo
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Extending Database …, 2015
Algorithms for online influencer marketing
P Lagrée, O Cappé, B Cautis, S Maniu
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 13 (1), 1-30, 2018
Streamdm: Advanced data mining in spark streaming
A Bifet, S Maniu, J Qian, G Tian, C He, W Fan
2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW), 1608-1611, 2015
Scalable algorithms for nearest-neighbor joins on big trajectory data
Y Fang, R Cheng, W Tang, S Maniu, X Yang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (3), 785-800, 2015
Network-aware search in social tagging applications: Instance optimality versus efficiency
S Maniu, B Cautis
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information …, 2013
Casting a web of trust over wikipedia: an interaction-based approach
S Maniu, T Abdessalem, B Cautis
Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web …, 2011
An indexing framework for queries on probabilistic graphs
S Maniu, R Cheng, P Senellart
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 42 (2), 1-34, 2017
A sketch-based naive bayes algorithms for evolving data streams
M Bahri, S Maniu, A Bifet
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 604-613, 2018
Quantifying trust dynamics in signed graphs, the s-cores approach
C Giatsidis, B Cautis, S Maniu, DM Thilikos, M Vazirgiannis
Proceedings of the 2014 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 668-676, 2014
Semiring provenance over graph databases
Y Ramusat, S Maniu, P Senellart
10th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2018), 2018
Survey on feature transformation techniques for data streams
M Bahri, A Bifet, S Maniu, HM Gomes
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on International …, 2021
Scalable, generic, and adaptive systems for focused crawling
G Gouriten, S Maniu, P Senellart
Proceedings of the 25th ACM conference on hypertext and social media, 35-45, 2014
Taagle: Efficient, personalized search in collaborative tagging networks
S Maniu, B Cautis
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2012
Hypervolume subset selection with small subsets
B Groz, S Maniu
Evolutionary Computation 27 (4), 611-637, 2019
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