Jaejoon Lee
Jaejoon Lee
Associate Professor in the School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia
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FORM: A feature-; oriented reuse method with domain-; specific reference architectures
KC Kang, S Kim, J Lee, K Kim, E Shin, M Huh
Annals of software engineering 5 (1), 143-168, 1998
Feature-oriented product line engineering
KC Kang, J Lee, P Donohoe
IEEE software 19 (4), 58-65, 2002
Concepts and guidelines of feature modeling for product line software engineering
K Lee, KC Kang, J Lee
International Conference on Software Reuse, 62-77, 2002
A feature-oriented approach to developing dynamically reconfigurable products in product line engineering
J Lee, KC Kang
10th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC'06), 10 pp.-140, 2006
Feature-Oriented Re-engineering of Legacy Systems into Product Line Assets – a Case Study
KC Kang, M Kim, J Lee, B Kim
Software Product Lines: 9th International Conference, SPLC 2005, Rennes …, 2005
Feature-oriented variability management in product line engineering
J Lee, D Muthig
Communications of the ACM 49 (12), 55-59, 2006
An approach for developing service oriented product lines
J Lee, D Muthig, M Naab
2008 12th International Software Product Line Conference, 275-284, 2008
Combining service-orientation with product line engineering
J Lee, G Kotonya
Software, IEEE 27 (3), 35-41, 2010
Feature‐oriented engineering of PBX software for adaptability and reuseability
KC Kang, S Kim, J Lee, K Lee
Software: Practice and Experience 29 (10), 875-896, 1999
Components meet aspects: Assessing design stability of a software product line
LP Tizzei, M Dias, CMF Rubira, A Garcia, J Lee
Information and Software Technology 53 (2), 121-136, 2011
Identifying Design Problems in the Source Code: A Grounded Theory
CL Leonardo Sousa, Roberto Oliveira, Alessandro Garcia, Jaejoon Lee, Tanya ...
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018),, 2018
A feature-oriented approach for developing reusable product line assets of service-based systems
J Lee, D Muthig, M Naab
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (7), 1123-1136, 2010
Feature binding analysis for product line component development
J Lee, KC Kang
International Workshop on Software Product-Family Engineering, 250-260, 2003
How dynamic is your dynamic software product line?
N Bencomo, J Lee, SO Hallsteinsen
SPLC Workshops, 61-68, 2010
Using a marketing and product plan as a key driver for product line asset development
KC Kang, P Donohoe, E Koh, J Lee, K Lee
Software Product Lines: Second International Conference, SPLC 2 San Diego …, 2002
Engineering service-based dynamic software product lines
J Lee, G Kotonya, D Robinson
Computer 45 (10), 49-55, 2012
A feature-based approach to product line production planning
J Lee, KC Kang, S Kim
International Conference on Software Product Lines, 183-196, 2004
Feature-oriented analysis and specification of dynamic product reconfiguration
J Lee, D Muthig
International Conference on Software Reuse, 154-165, 2008
Re-engineering software architecture of home service robots: A case study
M Kim, J Lee, KC Kang, Y Hong, S Bang
Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering …, 2005
No Code Anomaly is an Island: Anomaly Agglomeration as Sign of Product Line Instabilities
AGJL Eduardo Fernandes, Gustavo Vale, Leonardo Sousa, Eduardo Figueiredo
International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR2017), 2017
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