Mori contractions of maximal length A Hoering, C Novelli
Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ. 49 (1), 215--228, 2013
27 2013 Ruled Fano fivefolds of index two C Novelli, G Occhetta
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 56 (1), 207-241, 2007
25 2007 Projective manifolds containing a large linear subspace with nef normal bundle C Novelli, G Occhetta
Michigan Math. J. 60 (2), 441-462, 2011
23 2011 Rational curves and bounds on the Picard number of Fano manifolds C Novelli, G Occhetta
Geometriae dedicata 147, 207-217, 2010
18 2010 Fano varieties with small non-klt locus MC Beltrametti, A Höring, C Novelli
International Mathematics Research Notices 2015 (11), 3094-3120, 2015
7 2015 On Fano manifolds with an unsplit dominating family of rational curves C Novelli
Kodai Math. J. 35, 425-438, 2012
7 2012 Manifolds covered by lines and extremal rays C Novelli, G Occhetta
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 55 (4), 799-814, 2012
6 2012 Connections between the geometry of a projective variety and of an ample section M Andreatta, C Novelli, G Occhetta
Mathematische Nachrichten 279 (13‐14), 1387-1395, 2006
6 2006 On Fano manifolds of large pseudoindex C Novelli
Journal of Algebra 449, 138-162, 2016
3 2016 Geometry of rays-positive manifolds MC Beltrametti, AL Knutsen, A Lanteri, C Novelli
Collectanea mathematica 63 (3), 375-391, 2012
3 2012 Ample vector bundles of small Δ-genera A Lanteri, C Novelli
Journal of Algebra 323 (3), 671-697, 2010
3 2010 Ample vector bundles with zero loci of small ∆-genera A Lanteri, C Novelli
Adv. Geom 8 (2), 227-256, 2008
3 * 2008 A notion of -multigenus for certain rank two ample vector bundles E Arrondo, A Lanteri, C Novelli
Kodai Math. J. 36, 137--153, 2013
2 2013 Varieties of small degree with respect to codimension and ample vector bundles A Lanteri, C Novelli
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 60 (2), 341-361, 2008
2 2008 Manifolds polarized by vector bundles M Andreatta, C Novelli
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 186 (2), 281-288, 2007
2 2007 Fano manifolds of coindex four as ample sections C Novelli
Walter de Gruyter 6 (4), 601-611, 2006
2 2006 On varieties that are uniruled by lines AL Knutsen, C Novelli, A Sarti
Compositio Mathematica 142 (4), 889-906, 2006
2 2006 Blow-ups and Fano manifolds of large pseudoindex C Novelli
Mathematica scandinavica 124, 34-50, 2019
1 2019 Triple solids and scrolls A Lanteri, C Novelli
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, 1-19, 2024
2024 Blow-ups and dominating unsplit families on Fano manifolds C Novelli