José J. Pizarro
José J. Pizarro
Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU; Universidad Católica del Norte
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Kama muta: Conceptualizing and measuring the experience often labelled being moved across 19 nations and 15 languages.
JH Zickfeld, TW Schubert, B Seibt, JK Blomster, P Arriaga, N Basabe, ...
Emotion 19 (3), 402, 2019
Afrontamiento del estrés por aculturación: inmigrantes latinos en Chile
A Urzúa, N Basabe, JJ Pizarro, R Ferrer
Universitas psychologica 16, 221-233, 2017
Self-transcendent emotions and their social effects: Awe, elevation and Kama Muta promote a human identification and motivations to help others
JJ Pizarro, N Basabe, I Fernández, P Carrera, P Apodaca, CI Man Ging, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 709859, 2021
Collective effervescence, self-transcendence, and gender differences in social well-being during 8 March demonstrations
LN Zumeta, P Castro-Abril, L Méndez, JJ Pizarro, A Włodarczyk, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 607538, 2020
Perceived emotional synchrony in collective gatherings: validation of a short scale and proposition of an integrative measure
A Wlodarczyk, L Zumeta, JJ Pizarro, P Bouchat, F Hatibovic, N Basabe, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1721, 2020
Emotional processes, collective behavior, and social movements: A meta-analytic review of collective effervescence outcomes during collective gatherings and demonstrations
JJ Pizarro, LN Zumeta, P Bouchat, A Włodarczyk, B Rimé, N Basabe, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 974683, 2022
Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries
JH Zickfeld, N Van De Ven, O Pich, TW Schubert, JB Berkessel, JJ Pizarro, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 95, 104137, 2021
The mediating role of shared flow and perceived emotional synchrony on compassion for others in a mindful-dancing program
JJ Pizarro, N Basabe, A Amutio, S Telletxea, M Harizmendi, ...
Mindfulness 11, 125-139, 2020
Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia
JJ Pizarro, H Cakal, L Méndez, S Da Costa, LN Zumeta, M Gracia Leiva, ...
University Institute of Lisbon, 2020
Flashbulb memories and collective memories: psychosocial processes related to rituals, emotions, and memories
D Páez, A Mathias, S Cavalli, E Guichard, JJ Pizarro, L Méndez, ...
Flashbulb Memories, 219-239, 2017
Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de compasión hacia los demás [Psychometric properties of the scale compassion to others]
A Amutio, JJ Pizarro, N Basabe, S Telletxea, M Harizmendi
Rev. Latinoam. Psicol. Posit 4, 23-37, 2018
Asombro maravillado, temor admirativo o respeto sobrecogido: revisión teórica y Validación de una Escala de Asombro en Castellano [Awe: review of theory and Validation of an …
JJ Pizarro, O Cusi, L Alfaro-Beracoechea, A González-Burboa, ...
Rev. Latinoam. Psicol. Posit 4, 57-76, 2018
Elevación o inspiración moral: creación y validación de una escala de elevación en castellano [Moral elevation or inspiration: creation and validation of an elevation scale in …
O Cusi, JJ Pizarro, L Alfaro-Beracoechea, A Vera-Calzaretta, ...
Rev. Latinoam. Psicol. Posit 4, 38-56, 2018
Korrika, running in collective effervescence through the Basque Country: A model of collective processes and their positive psychological effects
J Zabala, S Conejero, A Pascual, LN Zumeta, JJ Pizarro, I Alonso-Arbiol
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1095763, 2023
Eventos locales, efectos globales: emociones trascendentes e identificación con toda la humanidad
JJ Pizarro, L Alfaro-Beracoechea, O Cusi, ML Ibarra, L Zumeta, N Basabe
Revista de Psicología (PUCP) 39 (2), 625-654, 2021
Caracterización clínica, serológica y patrón radiológico de una cohorte unicéntrica de pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar difusa
Revista chilena de enfermedades respiratorias 33 (1), 31-36, 2017
Experimental ritual: humanizing immigrants or utilitarian prejudice in Europe?
JJ Pizarro, S Telletxea, M Bobowik, L Zumeta
Universitas psychologica 16, 47-60, 2017
& Cavalli, S.(2020). Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia
JJ Pizarro, H Cakal, L Méndez, S Da Costa, LN Zumeta, M Gracia Leiva, ...
Papers on Social Representations 29 (2), 2.1-2.38, 0
An Emotional Path to Ourselves: Self-Transcendent Emotions and Positive Effects of Collective Participation
JJ Pizarro
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 2019
Man Ging, Olaia Cusi and Darío Páez. 2021.«Self-Transcendent emotions and their social effects: Awe, elevation and kama muta promote a human identification and motivations to …
JJ Pizarro, N Basabe, I Fernández, P Carrera, P Apodaca, I Carlos
Frontiers in psychology 12, 1-17, 0
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Artículos 1–20