Fabiano Hessel
Fabiano Hessel
Full Professor of Computer Science, Pontifical Catholic University of RS - PUCRS
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Exploring NoC mapping strategies: an energy and timing aware technique
C Marcon, N Calazans, F Moraes, A Susin, I Reis, F Hessel
Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 502-507, 2005
Pressure-induced collapse in double-walled carbon nanotubes: chemical and mechanical screening effects
AL Aguiar, EB Barros, RB Capaz, AG Souza Filho, PTC Freire, JM Filho, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (13), 5378-5384, 2011
Lightweight security architecture based on embedded virtualization and trust mechanisms for IoT edge devices
RT Tiburski, CR Moratelli, SF Johann, MV Neves, E de Matos, LA Amaral, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (2), 67-73, 2019
The importance of a standard securit y archit ecture for SOA-based iot middleware
RT Tiburski, LA Amaral, E De Matos, F Hessel
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (12), 20-26, 2015
Context information sharing for the Internet of Things: A survey
E de Matos, RT Tiburski, CR Moratelli, S Johann Filho, LA Amaral, ...
Computer Networks 166, 106988, 2020
eCloudRFID–A mobile software framework architecture for pervasive RFID-based applications
LA Amaral, FP Hessel, EA Bezerra, JC Corrêa, OB Longhi, TFO Dias
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 34 (3), 972-979, 2011
RTOS scheduler implementation in hardware and software for real time applications
M Vetromille, L Ost, CAM Marcon, C Reif, F Hessel
Seventeenth IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'06 …, 2006
Hardware, software and mechanical cosimulation for automotive applications
P Le Marrec, CA Valderrama, F Hessel, AA Jerraya, M Attia, O Cayrol
Proceedings. Ninth International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (Cat …, 1998
Context-based search engine for industrial IoT: Discovery, search, selection, and usage of devices
WT Lunardi, E de Matos, R Tiburski, LA Amaral, S Marczak, F Hessel
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on emerging technologies & factory automation …, 2015
Embedded systems' virtualization: The next challenge?
A Aguiar, F Hessel
Proceedings of 2010 21st IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System …, 2010
From VHDL register transfer level to SystemC transaction level modeling: a comparative case study
N Calazans, E Moreno, F Hessel, V Rosa, F Moraes, E Carara
16th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 2003. SBCCI 2003 …, 2003
Multilanguage design of heterogeneous systems
P Coste, F Hessel, P Le Marrec, Z Sugar, M Romdhani, R Suescun, ...
Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on Hardware/software …, 1999
Fasten iiot: An open real-time platform for vertical, horizontal and end-to-end integration
FS Costa, SM Nassar, S Gusmeroli, R Schultz, AGS Conceição, M Xavier, ...
Sensors 20 (19), 5499, 2020
Multilanguage specification for system design and codesign
AA Jerraya, M Romdhani, P Le Marrec, F Hessel, P Coste, C Valderrama, ...
System Level Synthesis, NATO ASI, 1999
Evaluating the use of TLS and DTLS protocols in IoT middleware systems applied to E-health
RT Tiburski, LA Amaral, E de Matos, DFG de Azevedo, F Hessel
2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2017
MCI—Multilanguage distributed co-simulation tool
F Hessel, P Le Marrec, CA Valderrama, M Romdhani, AA Jerraya
IFIP Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems, 191-200, 1998
Embedded virtualization for the design of secure IoT applications
C Moratelli, S Johann, M Neves, F Hessel
Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping …, 2016
Middleware technology for IoT systems: challenges and perspectives toward 5G
LA Amaral, E de Matos, RT Tiburski, F Hessel, WT Lunardi, S Marczak
Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G mobile technologies, 333-367, 2016
Hellfire: A design framework for critical embedded systems' applications
A Aguiar, J Sergio Filho, FG Magalhaes, TD Casagrande, F Hessel
2010 11th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 730-737, 2010
Providing context-aware security for IoT environments through context sharing feature
E de Matos, RT Tiburski, LA Amaral, F Hessel
2018 17th IEEE international conference on trust, security and privacy in …, 2018
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Articles 1–20