Julia Reiter
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Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination–a multi-country study
ER Pelikan, S Korlat, J Reiter, J Holzer, M Mayerhofer, B Schober, C Spiel, ...
PloS one 16 (10), e0257346, 2021
Depression and anxiety in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Weibelzahl, J Reiter, G Duden
Epidemiology & Infection 149, e46, 2021
Radicalization and deradicalization: A qualitative analysis of parallels in relevant risk factors and trigger factors.
J Reiter, B Doosje, AR Feddes
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 27 (2), 268, 2021
Mental health of healthcare professionals during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative investigation from the first and second pandemic years
GS Duden, J Reiter, A Paswerg, S Weibelzahl
BMJ open 13 (3), e067244, 2023
Radikalislamische YouTube-Propaganda: Eine qualitative Rezeptionsstudie unter jungen Erwachsenen
L Klevesath, A Munderloh, J Sprengeler, F Grahmann, J Reiter
transcript Verlag, 2021
Past and present intergroup contact and conflict among inhabitants of former mixed villages of Cyprus: The role of individual and collective experiences in predicting attitudes …
J Kende, C Psaltis, J Reiter, K Fousiani, H Cakal, E GT Green
Political Psychology 43 (4), 751-768, 2022
Wie geht es Schüler* innen, Eltern, Lehrer* innen und Schulleiter* innen nach einem Jahr Lernen unter Covid-19
B Schober, M Lüftenegger, C Spiel, M Fasching, K Hager, J Holzer, ...
Universität Wien. Downloaded March 15, 2022, 2021
& Lüftenegger, M.(2021). Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and …
ER Pelikan, S Korlat, J Reiter, J Holzer, M Mayerhofer, B Schober
PloS one 16 (10), e0257346, 0
The role of minority discrimination and political participation in shaping majority perceptions of discrimination: Two cross-national studies
J Kende, J Reiter, C Coşkan, B Doosje, EGT Green
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 26 (3), 607-628, 2023
Basic Psychological Needs and Agency and Communion During the COVID-19 Pandemic
S Korlat, J Reiter, M Kollmayer, J Holzer, E Pelikan, B Schober, C Spiel, ...
Journal of Individual Differences, 2022
The role of the Big Two in socially responsible behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: Agency and communion in adolescents’ personal norm and behavioral adherence to instituted …
S Korlat, J Holzer, J Reiter, ER Pelikan, B Schober, C Spiel, ...
Plos one 17 (6), e0269018, 2022
Lernen unter COVID-19 Bedingungen–Zur Situation der Studierenden in Österreich.
E Pelikan, J Reiter, K Bergen, M Lüftenegger, J Holzer, SK Ikanovic, ...
Hochschulen in der Pandemie, 200-215, 2022
Identity, significance, sensation or justice? Different motives which attract to radical ideas
J Reiter, B Doosje
International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV) 15, 2021
" Ich bin ein anderer Mensch": Schule nach drei Lockdowns
J Reiter, C Spiel
Schulverwaltung aktuell 9 (5), 134-138, 2021
Pandemic-Induced Depression and Anxiety in Healthcare Professionals
S Weibelzahl, J Reiter, G Duden, 0
“Knowing My Way around”–The Role of Urban Spaces for Migrant Identity Content and Sense of Belonging in Germany
GS Duden, J Reiter, C Bauer, C Haslinger, M Mroz, A Rohmann
Identity 25 (1), 75-96, 2025
Would’ve, could’ve, should’ve: a cross-sectional investigation of whether and how healthcare staff’s working conditions and mental health symptoms have changed throughout 3 …
J Reiter, S Weibelzahl, GS Duden
BMJ open 14 (3), e076712, 2024
Immigrant political participation is associated with more positive majority immigration attitudes across European countries and Swiss cantons
J Kende, J Reiter, C Coşkan, B Doosje, EGT Green
Comparative migration studies 12 (1), 5, 2024
Radicalism, extremism, other? Developing and validating the Adolescent Radicalization Outcomes Questionnaire (AROQ)
J Reiter, M Dono, M Lüftenegger, E Botes
PsyArXiv, 2023
Wenn zwei sich streiten… weiß keiner, wo er hingehen soll: Konflikterfahrungen bei der Vergabe von Autor* innenschaften aus der Sicht von Forscher* innen und Studierenden
J Reiter, M Frank, U Leicht-Deobald
Diskussionsforum" Integrität und Anreizsysteme in der Wissenschaft" der …, 2021
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20