Junfeng Yang
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Cited by
Handbook on facilitating flexible learning during educational disruption: The Chinese experience in maintaining undisrupted learning in COVID-19 outbreak
RH Huang, DJ Liu, A Tlili, JF Yang, HH Wang, M Zhang
Beijing: Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University 46, 2020
黄荣怀, 杨俊锋, 胡永斌
开放教育研究 18 (1), 75-84, 2012
智慧校园: 数字校园发展的必然趋势
黄荣怀, 张进宝, 胡永斌, 杨俊锋
开放教育研究 18 (4), 12-17, 2012
黄荣怀, 胡永斌, 杨俊锋, 肖广德
开放教育研究 18 (2), 22-27, 2012
Guidance on open educational practices during school closures: Utilizing OER under COVID-19 pandemic in line with UNESCO OER recommendation
R Huang, D Liu, A Tlili, S Knyazeva, TW Chang, X Zhang, D Burgos, ...
Beijing: Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, 2020
Strategies for Smooth and Effective Cross-cultural Online Collaborative Learning
J Yang, Kinshuk, H Yu, S Chen, R Huang
Educational Technology & Society 17 (3), 208–221, 2013
Using blended synchronous classroom approach to promote learning performance in rural area
J Yang, H Yu, N Chen
Computers & Education 141, 103619, 2019
From digital to smart: The evolution and trends of learning environment
R Huang, J Yang, Y Hu
Open Education Research 1 (1), 75-84, 2012
Evaluation of smart classroom from the perspective of infusing technology into pedagogy
J Yang, H Pan, W Zhou, R Huang
Smart Learning Environments 5, 1-11, 2018
How to implement game-based learning in a smart classroom? A model based on a systematic literature review and Delphi method
L Pan, A Tlili, J Li, F Jiang, G Shi, H Yu, J Yang
Frontiers in psychology 12, 749837, 2021
The components and functions of smart learning environments for easy, engaged and effective learning
R Huang, J Yang, L Zheng
International Journal for Educational Media and Technology 7 (1), 2013
Emergence of the online-merge-offline (OMO) learning wave in the post-COVID-19 era: a pilot study
R Huang, A Tlili, H Wang, Y Shi, CJ Bonk, J Yang, D Burgos
Sustainability 13 (6), 3512, 2021
Do playfulness and university support facilitate the adoption of online education in a crisis? COVID-19 as a case study based on the technology acceptance model
S Wang, A Tlili, L Zhu, J Yang
Sustainability 13 (16), 9104, 2021
Does teacher’s data literacy and digital teaching competence influence empowering students in the classroom? Evidence from China
R Lin, J Yang, F Jiang, J Li
Education and information technologies 28 (3), 2845-2867, 2023
Emerging approaches for supporting easy, engaged and effective collaborative learning
L Zheng, J Yang, W Cheng, R Huang
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 26 (1), 11-16, 2014
Determinants of active online learning in the smart learning environment: An empirical study with PLS-SEM
S Wang, G Shi, M Lu, R Lin, J Yang
Sustainability 13 (17), 9923, 2021
Introduction to educational technology
R Huang, JM Spector, J Yang, R Huang, JM Spector, J Yang
Educational technology: A primer for the 21st century, 3-31, 2019
Games literacy for teacher education
S Chen, S Zhang, GY Qi, J Yang
Educational Technology & Society 23 (2), 77-92, 2020
Development and validation of a scale for evaluating technology-rich classroom environment
J Yang, R Huang
Journal of Computers in Education 2 (2), 2015
杨俊锋, 黄荣怀, 刘斌
中国电化教育, 15-20, 2013
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