Sergio E. Uribe 0000-0003-0684-2025
Sergio E. Uribe 0000-0003-0684-2025
Other namesSergio A. Uribe, Sergio Uribe
Assoc Prof & Lead Researcher Riga Stradins University, Latvia
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Cited by
Cited by
The Global Prevalence Of Early Childhood Caries: A Systematic Review with Meta‐analysis Using the WHO Diagnostic Criteria
SE Uribe, I N, M I
Int J Paed Dent, 10.1111/ipd.12783, 2021
Artificial intelligence in dental research: Checklist for authors, reviewers, readers
F Schwendicke, T Singh, JH Lee, R Gaudin, A Chaurasia, T Wiegand, ...
Journal of dentistry 107, 103610, 2021
Potential of information technology in dental education
N Mattheos, N Stefanovic, P Apse, R Attstrom, J Buchanan, P Brown, ...
European Journal of Dental Education 12, 85-92, 2008
A century of change towards prevention and minimal intervention in cariology
NPT Innes, CH Chu, M Fontana, ECM Lo, WM Thomson, S Uribe, ...
Journal of dental research 98 (6), 611-617, 2019
Deep learning for caries detection: A systematic review
H Mohammad-Rahimi, SR Motamedian, MH Rohban, J Krois, SE Uribe, ...
Journal of Dentistry 122, 104115, 2022
Accuracy of imaging methods for detection of bone tissue invasion in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma
S Uribe, LA Rojas, CF Rosas
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 42 (6), 20120346, 2013
Logistic regression analysis of risk factors for the development of alveolar osteitis
D Halabí, J Escobar, C Muñoz, S Uribe
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 70 (5), 1040-1044, 2012
Internet and information technology use by dental students in Chile
S Uribe, RJ Marino
European Journal of Dental Education 10 (3), 162-168, 2006
Effect of periodontal treatment on preterm birth rate: a systematic review of meta-analyses
MB Lopez NJ, Uribe SE
Periodontology 2000 67 (1), 87–130, 2015
Complicaciones en cirugía de terceros molares entre los años 20072010, en un Hospital Urbano, Chile
H Bachmann, R Cáceres, C Muñoz, S Uribe
International journal of odontostomatology 8 (1), 107-112, 2014
Early childhood caries–risk factors
S Uribe
Evidence-based dentistry 10 (2), 37-38, 2009
Factores que explican la satisfacción laboral de odontólogos en Chile
SE Uribe, J Ide-Olivero, V Castro-Caro
Revista clínica de periodoncia, implantología y rehabilitación oral 7 (3 …, 2014
Prevention and management of dental decay in the pre-school child
S Uribe
Evidence-based dentistry 7 (1), 4-7, 2006
Artificial intelligence for oral and dental healthcare: core education curriculum
F Schwendicke, A Chaurasia, T Wiegand, SE Uribe, M Fontana, I Akota, ...
Journal of Dentistry 128, 104363, 2023
Prolonged effect of a mother–child caries preventive program on dental caries in the permanent 1st molars in 9 to 10-year-old children
SS Gomez, CG Emilson, AA Weber, S Uribe
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 65 (5), 271-274, 2007
IADR e-oral health network and the ITU WHO focus group AI for Health
F Schwendicke, T Singh, JH Lee, R Gaudin, A Chaurasia, T Wiegand, ...
Artificial intelligence in dental research: Checklist for authors, reviewers …, 2021
Dental students' evaluations of an interactive histology software
C Rosas, R Rubí, M Donoso, S Uribe
Journal of dental education 76 (11), 1491-1496, 2012
SEM analysis of sealant penetration in posterior approximal enamel carious lesions in vivo.
S Gomez, S Uribe, JE Onetto, CG Emilson
Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 10 (2), 2008
Therapeutic seal of approximal incipient noncavitated carious lesions: technique and case reports.
SS Gomez, JE Onetto, S Uribe, CG Emilson
Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany: 1985) 38 (2), e99, 2007
¿ Qué es la odontología basada en la evidencia
S Uribe
Rev Fac Odontol Valpso 2 (4), 281-287, 2000
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Articles 1–20