Amanda Terry
Amanda Terry
Associate Professor, The University of Western Ontario
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Implementing electronic health records: Key factors in primary care
AL Terry, CF Thorpe, G Giles, JB Brown, SB Harris, GJ Reid, A Thind, ...
Canadian Family Physician 54 (5), 730-736, 2008
Artificial intelligence in primary health care: perceptions, issues, and challenges
H Liyanage, ST Liaw, J Jonnagaddala, R Schreiber, C Kuziemsky, ...
Yearbook of medical informatics 28 (01), 041-046, 2019
Levels and determinants of maternal mortality in northern and southern Nigeria
C Meh, A Thind, B Ryan, A Terry
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 19 (1), 1-13, 2019
Artificial intelligence and primary care research: a scoping review
JK Kueper, AL Terry, M Zwarenstein, DJ Lizotte
The Annals of Family Medicine 18 (3), 250-258, 2020
Using your electronic medical record for research: a primer for avoiding pitfalls
AL Terry, V Chevendra, A Thind, M Stewart, JN Marshall, S Cejic
Family Practice 27 (1), 121-126, 2010
Adoption of electronic medical records in family practice: the providers' perspective
AL Terry, G Giles, JB Brown, A Thind, M Stewart
Family medicine 41 (7), 508, 2009
A basic model for assessing primary health care electronic medical record data quality
AL Terry, M Stewart, S Cejic, JN Marshall, S de Lusignan, BM Chesworth, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 19 (1), 1-11, 2019
Prevalence, characteristics, and patterns of patients with multimorbidity in primary care: a retrospective cohort analysis in Canada
K Nicholson, AL Terry, M Fortin, T Williamson, M Bauer, A Thind
British Journal of General Practice 69 (686), e647-e656, 2019
The incidence of multimorbidity and patterns in accumulation of chronic conditions: A systematic review
P Kudesia, B Salimarouny, M Stanley, M Fortin, M Stewart, A Terry, ...
Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity 11, 26335565211032880, 2021
What are wait times to see a specialist? An analysis of 26,942 referrals in southwestern Ontario
A Thind, M Stewart, D Manuel, T Freeman, A Terry, V Chevendra, ...
Healthcare Policy 8 (1), 80, 2012
Measuring Electronic Health Record Use in Primary Care: A Scoping Review
MZ Huang, CJ Gibson, AL Terry
Applied clinical informatics 9 (01), 015-033, 2018
Ethical use of electronic health record data and artificial intelligence: recommendations of the primary care informatics working group of the international medical informatics …
ST Liaw, H Liyanage, C Kuziemsky, AL Terry, R Schreiber, ...
Yearbook of Medical Informatics 29 (01), 051-057, 2020
Implementing and using a patient portal: a qualitative exploration of patient and provider perspectives on engaging patients
BL Ryan, JB Brown, A Terry, S Cejic, M Stewart, A Thind
Journal of innovation in health informatics 23 (2), 534-540, 2016
Primary Care Informatics Response to Covid-19 Pandemic: Adaptation, Progress, and Lessons from Four Countries with High ICT Development
ST Liaw, C Kuziemsky, R Schreiber, J Jonnagaddala, H Liyanage, ...
Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 2021
Implementing and maintaining a researchable database from electronic medical records: a perspective from an academic family medicine department
M Stewart, A Thind, AL Terry, V Chevendra, JN Marshall
Healthcare Policy 5 (2), 26, 2009
Primary health care teams’ experience of electronic medical record use after adoption
LB Denomme, AL Terry, JB Brown, A Thind, M Stewart
Fam Med 43 (9), 638-42, 2011
Is primary health care ready for artificial intelligence? What do primary health care stakeholders say?
AL Terry, JK Kueper, R Beleno, JB Brown, S Cejic, J Dang, D Leger, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 22 (1), 1-11, 2022
Perspectives on electronic medical record implementation after two years of use in primary health care practice
AL Terry, JB Brown, LB Denomme, A Thind, M Stewart
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 25 (4), 522-527, 2012
Examining the prevalence and patterns of multimorbidity in Canadian primary healthcare: a methodologic protocol using a national electronic medical record database
K Nicholson, AL Terry, M Fortin, T Williamson, M Bauer, A Thind
Journal of comorbidity 5 (1), 150-161, 2015
Do four or more antenatal care visits increase skilled birth attendant use and institutional delivery in Bangladesh? A propensity-score matched analysis
BL Ryan, RJ Krishnan, A Terry, A Thind
BMC Public Health 19 (1), 1-6, 2019
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Artículos 1–20