Dorinda Carter Andrews
Dorinda Carter Andrews
Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University
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Cited by
Achievement as resistance: The development of a critical race achievement ideology among black achievers
DJ Carter
Harvard Educational Review 78 (3), 466-497, 2008
The effects of zero tolerance policies on Black girls: Using critical race feminism and figured worlds to examine school discipline
D Hines-Datiri, DJ Carter Andrews
Urban Education 55 (10), 1419-1440, 2020
The Impossibility of Being “Perfect and White”: Black Girls’ Racialized and Gendered Schooling Experiences
DJ Carter Andrews, T Brown, E Castro, E Id-Deen
American Educational Research Journal 56 (6), 2531-2572, 2019
Changing the narrative on diversifying the teaching workforce: A look at historical and contemporary factors that inform recruitment and retention of teachers of color
DJ Carter Andrews, E Castro, CL Cho, E Petchauer, G Richmond, ...
Journal of Teacher Education 70 (1), 6-12, 2019
Cultivating a critical race consciousness for African American school success
DJ Carter
Educational foundations 22 (1-2), 11-28, 2008
Why the Black kids sit together at the stairs: The role of identity-affirming counter-spaces in a predominantly White high school
DJ Carter
The Journal of Negro Education, 542-554, 2007
Beyond damage-centered teacher education: Humanizing pedagogy for teacher educators and preservice teachers
DJC Andrews, T Brown, BM Castillo, D Jackson, V Vellanki
Teachers College Record 121 (6), 1-28, 2019
Black Achievers’ Experiences With Racial Spotlighting and Ignoring in a Predominantly White High School
DJC Andrews
Teachers College Record 114 (10), 1-46, 2012
The construction of Black high‐achiever identities in a predominantly White high school
DJC Andrews
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 40 (3), 297-317, 2009
“Maybe that concept is still with us”: Adolescents' racialized and classed perceptions of teachers' expectations
DJC Andrews, M Gutwein
Multicultural Perspectives 19 (1), 5-15, 2017
Teaching in dehumanizing times: The professionalization imperative
DJ Carter Andrews, T Bartell, G Richmond
Journal of teacher education 67 (3), 170-172, 2016
“The Hardest Thing to Turn From”: The Effects of Service-Learning on Preparing Urban Educators
DJC Andrews
Equity & Excellence in Education 42 (3), 272-293, 2009
Variations in students' perceived reasons for, sources of, and forms of in-school discrimination: A latent class analysis
CM Byrd, DJC Andrews
Journal of school psychology 57, 1-14, 2016
Middle school students’ experiences with inequitable discipline practices in school: The elusive quest for cultural responsiveness
DJ Carter Andrews, M Gutwein
Middle School Journal 51 (1), 29-38, 2020
Decentering whiteness in teacher education: Addressing the questions of who, with whom, and how
DJ Carter Andrews, Y He, JE Marciano, G Richmond, M Salazar
Journal of Teacher Education 72 (2), 134-137, 2021
The research we need in teacher education
MT Tatto, G Richmond, DJ Carter Andrews
Journal of Teacher Education 67 (4), 247-250, 2016
A critical race analysis of the gaslighting against African American teachers
T Roberts, DJC Andrews
Contesting the myth of a" post racial era": The continued significance of …, 2013
Professional development for equity: What constitutes powerful professional learning?
DJ Carter Andrews, G Richmond
Journal of Teacher Education 70 (5), 408-409, 2019
Reexamining coherence in teacher education
G Richmond, T Bartell, DJ Carter Andrews, ML Neville
Journal of Teacher Education 70 (3), 188-191, 2019
A call to action for teacher preparation programs: Supporting critical conversations and democratic action in safe learning environments
DJ Carter Andrews, G Richmond, CA Warren, E Petchauer, R Floden
Journal of Teacher Education 69 (3), 205-208, 2018
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Articles 1–20