Scott P. Johnson
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Cited by
Visual statistical learning in infancy: Evidence for a domain general learning mechanism
NZ Kirkham, JA Slemmer, SP Johnson
Cognition 83 (2), B35-B42, 2002
Development of infants’ attention to faces during the first year
MC Frank, E Vul, SP Johnson
Cognition 110 (2), 160-170, 2009
Overview: deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients, a critical review of outcome studies.
P Braun, G Kochansky, R Shapiro, S Greenberg, JE Gudeman, S Johnson, ...
The American Journal of Psychiatry 138 (6), 736-749, 1981
Systems in development: motor skill acquisition facilitates three-dimensional object completion.
KC Soska, KE Adolph, SP Johnson
Developmental psychology 46 (1), 129, 2010
Preverbal infants’ sensitivity to synaesthetic cross-modality correspondences
P Walker, JG Bremner, U Mason, J Spring, K Mattock, A Slater, ...
Psychological Science 21 (1), 21-25, 2010
Eye tracking in infancy research
G Gredebäck, S Johnson, C von Hofsten
Developmental neuropsychology 35 (1), 1-19, 2009
Mental rotation in human infants: A sex difference
DS Moore, SP Johnson
Psychological science 19 (11), 1063-1066, 2008
The broader autism phenotype in infancy: when does it emerge?
S Ozonoff, GS Young, A Belding, M Hill, A Hill, T Hutman, S Johnson, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 53 (4), 398 …, 2014
Visual statistical learning in the newborn infant
H Bulf, SP Johnson, E Valenza
Cognition 121 (1), 127-132, 2011
Development of object concepts in infancy: Evidence for early learning in an eye-tracking paradigm
SP Johnson, D Amso, JA Slemmer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (18), 10568-10573, 2003
Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference
ManyBabies Consortium
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (1), 24-52, 2020
Infants use meter to categorize rhythms and melodies: Implications for musical structure learning
EE Hannon, SP Johnson
Cognitive psychology 50 (4), 354-377, 2005
Perception of object unity in 2-month-old infants.
SP Johnson, RN Aslin
Developmental Psychology 31 (5), 739, 1995
Infant rule learning facilitated by speech
GF Marcus, KJ Fernandes, SP Johnson
Psychological science 18 (5), 387-391, 2007
Revisiting the Jezebel stereotype: The impact of target race on sexual objectification
JR Anderson, E Holland, C Heldreth, SP Johnson
Psychology of Women Quarterly 42 (4), 461-476, 2018
18-month predictors of later outcomes in younger siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder: a baby siblings research consortium study
K Chawarska, F Shic, S Macari, DJ Campbell, J Brian, R Landa, T Hutman, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 53 (12 …, 2014
Perception of object unity in young infants: The roles of motion, depth, and orientation
SP Johnson, RN Aslin
Cognitive Development 11 (2), 161-180, 1996
Visual search and attention to faces during early infancy
MC Frank, D Amso, SP Johnson
Journal of experimental child psychology 118, 13-26, 2014
Newborn infants' preference for attractive faces: The role of internal and external facial features
A Slater, G Bremner, SP Johnson, P Sherwood, R Hayes, E Brown
Infancy 1 (2), 265-274, 2000
Prehospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients with ultra-acute presumed stroke (RIGHT-2): an ambulance-based, randomised, sham-controlled, blinded, phase 3 trial
PM Bath, P Scutt, CS Anderson, JP Appleton, E Berge, L Cala, M Dixon, ...
The Lancet 393 (10175), 1009-1020, 2019
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