Carmen Torres
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Consequences of surprising reward omissions
MR Papini, RT Dudley
Review of General Psychology 1 (2), 175-197, 1997
Comparative psychology of surprising nonreward
MR Papini
Brain, Behavior and Evolution 62 (2), 83-95, 2003
Synoviocyte-derived CXCL12 is displayed on endothelium and induces angiogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis
JL Pablos, B Santiago, M Galindo, C Torres, MT Brehmer, FJ Blanco, ...
The Journal of Immunology 170 (4), 2147-2152, 2003
The role of contingency in classical conditioning.
MR Papini, ME Bitterman
Psychological review 97 (3), 396, 1990
Pattern and process in the evolution of learning.
MR Papini
Psychological review 109 (1), 186, 2002
Individual differences in graph literacy: Overcoming denominator neglect in risk comprehension
Y Okan, R Garcia‐Retamero, ET Cokely, A Maldonado
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 25 (4), 390-401, 2012
Impulsivity characterization in the Roman high-and low-avoidance rat strains: behavioral and neurochemical differences
M Moreno, D Cardona, MJ Gómez, F Sánchez-Santed, A Tobeña, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 35 (5), 1198-1208, 2010
Risk behaviour and mental workload: Multimodal assessment techniques applied to motorbike riding simulation
LL Di Stasi, V Álvarez-Valbuena, JJ Cañas, A Maldonado, A Catena, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (5), 361-370, 2009
Emotional and non-emotional pathways to impulsive behavior and addiction
A Torres, A Catena, A Megías, A Maldonado, A Cándido, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 43, 2013
Las competencias en el nuevo paradigma educativo para Europa
MT Bajo, A Maldonado, S Moreno, M Moya, P Tudela
Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2003
Behavioral neuroscience of psychological pain
MR Papini, PN Fuchs, C Torres
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 48, 53-69, 2015
Reward loss as psychological pain
MR Papini, M Wood, AM Daniel, JN Norris
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 6 (2), 182-213, 2006
Successive negative contrast in the consummatory responding of didelphid marsupials
MR Papini, AE Mustaca, ME Bitterman
Animal Learning & Behavior 16 (1), 53-57, 1988
Comparative Psychology: evolution and development of brain and behavior
M Papini
Routledge, 2020
The effect of frequency of judgement and the type of trials on covariation learning.
A Catena, A Maldonado, A Cándido
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 24 (2), 481, 1998
Peripheral bacterial endotoxin administration triggers both memory consolidation and reconsolidation deficits in mice
D Kranjac, KA McLinden, LE Deodati, MR Papini, MJ Chumley, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 26 (1), 109-121, 2012
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
C Rosales
Investigador del Centro de Estudios Económicos del Tercer Mundo (CEESTEM …, 2013
Funciones de la corteza prefrontal ventromedial en la toma de decisiones emocionales
D Contreras, A Catena, A Cándido, JC Perales, A Maldonado
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 8 (1), 285-313, 2008
Consummatory successive negative contrast in mice
AE Mustaca, M Bentosela, MR Papini
Learning and Motivation 31 (3), 272-282, 2000
Opioid receptors modulate recovery from consummatory successive negative contrast
S Pellegrini, M Wood, AM Daniel, MR Papini
Behavioural Brain Research 164 (2), 239-249, 2005
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20