Jeffrey Steele
Jeffrey Steele
Associate Professor, University of Toronto Mississauga
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Missing inflection in L2 acquisition: defective syntax or LI-constrained prosodic representations?
H Goad, L White, J Steele
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 48 (3-4 …, 2003
Second language speech
L Colantoni, J Steele, PRE Neyra
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Integrating articulatory constraints into models of second language phonological acquisition
L Colantoni, J Steele
Applied psycholinguistics 29 (3), 489-534, 2008
Native-like attainment in the L2 acquisition of Spanish stop-liquid clusters
L Colantoni, J Steele
Selected proceedings of the 7th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and …, 2006
Acquiring/[alveolar approximant]/in context
L Colantoni, J Steele
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 29 (3), 381-406, 2007
Phonetically-driven epenthesis asymmetries in French and Spanish obstruent-liquid clusters
L Colantoni, J Steele
Theoretical and experimental approaches to Romance linguistics: Selected …, 2008
Phonological specificity relates to phonological awareness and reading ability in English–French bilingual children
K Krenca, E Segers, X Chen, S Shakory, J Steele, L Verhoeven
Reading and Writing 33 (2), 267-291, 2020
Assessing the role of orthographic versus uniquely auditory input in acquiring new L2 segments
J Steele
7èmes rencontres internationales du réseau français de phonologie, 2-4, 2005
Missing surface inflection in L2 acquisition: A prosodic account
H Goad, L White, J Steele, B Beachley, A Brown, F Conlin
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Boston University Conference on Language …, 2003
Liquid asymmetries in French and Spanish
L Colantoni, J Steele
Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 24, 2005
Voicing-dependent cluster simplification asymmetries in Spanish and French
L Colantoni, J Steele
Segmental and prosodic issues in Romance phonology, 109-129, 2008
Representation and phonological licensing in the L2 acquisition of prosodic structure
J Steele
McGill University, 2002
Evidence-based design principles for Spanish pronunciation teaching
L Colantoni, P Escudero, V Marrero-Aguiar, J Steele
Frontiers in Communication 6, 639889, 2021
L2 learners’ modification of target language syllable structure: prosodic licensing effects in interlanguage phonology
J Steele
New Sounds 2000: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the …, 2002
Synchronic evidence of a diachronic change: Voicing and duration in French and Spanish stop-liquid clusters
L Colantoni, J Steele
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 56 (2), 147-177, 2011
Parallels in process: Comparing Haitian Creole and French learner phonologies
J Steele, AM Brousseau
L2 acquisition and creole genesis: dialogues, 331-352, 2011
Phonetic cues to phonological acquisition: Evidence from L2 syllabification
J Steele
Proceedings of the 25th Boston University conference on language development …, 2001
Selected proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology
L Colantoni, J Steele
Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2008
Learning to realize prosodic prominence in L2 French and Spanish
L Colantoni, O Marasco, J Steele, S Sunara
Selected proceedings of the 2012 second language research forum: Building …, 2014
Vowel epenthesis in Vimeu Picard: A preliminary investigation
J Auger, J Steele
Selected papers from NWAV (E) 27, 1-15, 1999
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Articles 1–20