Anthony Fowler
Anthony Fowler
Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago
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Cited by
On the validity of the regression discontinuity design for estimating electoral effects: New evidence from over 40,000 close races
AC Eggers, A Fowler, J Hainmueller, AB Hall, JM Snyder Jr
American Journal of Political Science 59 (1), 259-274, 2015
Electoral and policy consequences of voter turnout: Evidence from compulsory voting in Australia
A Fowler
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 8 (2), 159-182, 2013
Increasing inequality: The effect of GOTV mobilization on the composition of the electorate
RD Enos, A Fowler, L Vavreck
The Journal of Politics 76 (1), 273-288, 2014
Do shark attacks influence presidential elections? Reassessing a prominent finding on voter competence
A Fowler, AB Hall
The Journal of Politics 80 (4), 1423-1437, 2018
Cardinals or clerics? Congressional committees and the distribution of pork
CR Berry, A Fowler
American Journal of Political Science 60 (3), 692-708, 2016
Disentangling the personal and partisan incumbency advantages: Evidence from close elections and term limits
A Fowler, A Hall
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 9 (4), 501-531, 2014
The political consequences of uninformed voters
A Fowler, M Margolis
Electoral Studies 34, 100-110, 2014
Evaluating the effects of shelter-in-place policies during the COVID-19 pandemic
CR Berry, A Fowler, T Glazer, S Handel-Meyer, A MacMillen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15), e2019706118, 2021
Quid pro quo? Corporate returns to campaign contributions
A Fowler, H Garro, JL Spenkuch
The Journal of Politics 82 (3), 844-858, 2020
Partisan intoxication or policy voting?
A Fowler
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 15 (2), 141-179, 2020
A Fowler, SJ Hill, JB Lewis, C Tausanovitch, L Vavreck, C Warshaw
American Political Science Review 117 (2), 643-660, 2023
College football, elections, and false-positive results in observational research
A Fowler, BP Montagnes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (45), 13800-13804, 2015
Aggregate effects of large-scale campaigns on voter turnout
RD Enos, A Fowler
Political Science Research and Methods 6 (4), 733-751, 2018
Social capital and voter turnout: Evidence from saint's day fiestas in Mexico
MD Atkinson, A Fowler
British Journal of political science 44 (1), 41-59, 2014
Congressional committees, legislative influence, and the hegemony of chairs
CR Berry, A Fowler
Journal of Public Economics 158, 1-11, 2018
Regular voters, marginal voters and the electoral effects of turnout
A Fowler
Political Science Research and Methods 3 (2), 205-219, 2015
Pivotality and turnout: Evidence from a field experiment in the aftermath of a tied election
RD Enos, A Fowler
Political Science Research and Methods 2 (2), 309-319, 2014
Leadership or luck? Randomization inference for leader effects in politics, business, and sports
CR Berry, A Fowler
Science advances 7 (4), eabe3404, 2021
Long-term consequences of election results
A Fowler, AB Hall
British Journal of Political Science 47 (2), 351-372, 2017
What explains incumbent success? Disentangling selection on party, selection on candidate characteristics, and office-holding benefits
A Fowler
Annual Meeting Paper., Quarterly Journal of Political Science 11 (3), 313-338, 2016
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Articles 1–20