Weiming DONG
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Dynamic refinement network for oriented and densely packed object detection
X Pan, Y Ren, K Sheng, W Dong, H Yuan, X Guo, C Ma, C Xu
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 11207-11216, 2020
StyTr2: Image Style Transfer with Transformers
Y Deng, F Tang, W Dong, X Pan, C Ma, L Wang, C Xu
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 11326-11336, 2022
Optimized image resizing using seam carving and scaling
W Dong, N Zhou, JC Paul, X Zhang
ACM Transactions on Graphics 28 (5), 128:1-128:10, 2009
Segment-tree based cost aggregation for stereo matching
X Mei, X Sun, W Dong, H Wang, X Zhang
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 313-320, 2013
Inversion-Based Style Transfer with Diffusion Models
Y Zhang, N Huang, F Tang, H Huang, C Ma, W Dong, C Xu
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 10146 …, 2023
Image zooming using directional cubic convolution interpolation
D Zhou, X Shen, W Dong
IET image processing 6 (6), 627-634, 2012
Evo-vit: Slow-fast token evolution for dynamic vision transformer
Y Xu, Z Zhang, M Zhang, K Sheng, K Li, W Dong, L Zhang, C Xu, X Sun
Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2964-2972, 2022
Arbitrary style transfer via multi-adaptation network
Y Deng, F Tang, W Dong, W Sun, F Huang, C Xu
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2719-2727, 2020
Arbitrary Video Style Transfer via Multi-Channel Correlation
Y Deng, F Tang, W Dong, H Huang, C Ma, C Xu
The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 1210-1217, 2021
Domain Enhanced Arbitrary Image Style Transfer via Contrastive Learning
Y Zhang, F Tang, W Dong, H Huang, C Ma, TY Lee, C Xu
ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Conference Proceedings (SIGGRAPH '22), 12:1-12:8, 2022
LGM-Net: Learning to generate matching networks for few-shot learning
H Li, W Dong, X Mei, C Ma, F Huang, BG Hu
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3825-3834, 2019
Transformers in computational visual media: A survey
Y Xu, H Wei, M Lin, Y Deng, K Sheng, M Zhang, F Tang, W Dong, ...
Computational Visual Media 8, 33-62, 2022
Attention-based multi-patch aggregation for image aesthetic assessment
K Sheng, W Dong, C Ma, X Mei, F Huang, BG Hu
Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 879-886, 2018
Inverse procedural modeling of facade layouts
F Wu, DM Yan, W Dong, X Zhang, P Wonka
ACM Transactions on Graphics 33 (4), 121:1--121:10, 2014
Unveiling the potential of structure preserving for weakly supervised object localization
X Pan, Y Gao, Z Lin, F Tang, W Dong, H Yuan, F Huang, C Xu
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 11642-11651, 2021
Content‐based colour transfer
F Wu, W Dong, Y Kong, X Mei, JC Paul, X Zhang
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (1), 190-203, 2013
Flower classification via convolutional neural network
Y Liu, F Tang, D Zhou, Y Meng, W Dong
2016 IEEE International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Growth …, 2016
Classifier learning with prior probabilities for facial action unit recognition
Y Zhang, W Dong, BG Hu, Q Ji
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 5108-5116, 2018
Weakly-supervised deep convolutional neural network learning for facial action unit intensity estimation
Y Zhang, W Dong, BG Hu, Q Ji
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2314-2323, 2018
ProSpect: Prompt Spectrum for Attribute-Aware Personalization of Diffusion Models
Y Zhang, W Dong, F Tang, N Huang, H Huang, C Ma, TY Lee, O Deussen, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics 42 (6), 244:1-244:14, 2023
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